Старший менеджер по продажам со знанием арабского и английского языков
Vladimir Altahir
1966 Moscow, Russia
B.A English Language from College of Fine Arts / University of Baghdad / Iraq 1991.
Russian (native), Arabic ( second native),
English (university degree)
Computer skills:
Main office programs and special applications
Contact information: Mobile phone +7 9165821480
Email va2aj@yahoo.com
2020 – current Eteachergroup Customer Success Representative (remote position)
Responsibilities: Working with feedbacks from students of online cultural, linguistic and IT
courses, from various parts of the world, due to fluency in English, Arabic and Russian, using
my communication skills to resolve conflict situations related to cu rriculum, teacher’s
performance, schedule problems and in some cases online interface. Providing high quality
distance learning service.
2018 – 2019 Techedu (Technical
Education )
Educational Consultant
Responsibilit ies: Conducting Training Needs Analyses study in oil and gas sector in southern
and central Iraq for BP and BOC , with a group of experts from Iraq and International Oil
Companies , as a preparation for Integrated Training Center in Southern Iraq.
Achievements: A detailed research was dr awn up on the state of the labor market in the oil
sector in Iraq, taking into account economic, social and demographic factors, with
recommendations for optimal solutions.
2011 -2016 Lukoil Overseas, Lukoil
Mid East
Lukoil Mid East
2014 - 2016 Supervisor of Security
Responsibilities: Interaction with the Iraqi security forces and private security companies to
ensure safety of the personnel and facilities of the company, in the field and outside it, in
accordance with standards established by Lukoil Mid East, providing appropriate working
conditions in the field and elsewhere , involving representatives of the Iraqi security forces in
a modern system of monitoring and control, interaction with the leadership of law
enforcement agencies and local authorities to resolve em ergency situations, collect ing
information from various sources to assess the degree of risk in the field and in the country.
Achievements: Appreciation from the company for the execution of tasks.
2011 - 2014 Translator English / Arabic / Russian
Respons ibilities: Linguistic and cultural support of company's employees, during their work
with the South Oil Company, local and foreign contractors, local authorities and
representatives of the local population. Implementation of translation and interpretation,
participation in negotiations, coordination of cooperation within the framework of the WQ -2
Achievements: Contributed to the development of the project and the start of commercial
production, overcoming the legal and organizational difficulties in environment with a security
2009 - 2010 the VEYADA company
Res ponsibilities: Responsible for relations with customers from Arab countries.
Correspondence, preparation of tender documentation, ensuring supply of goods and spare
parts within the framework of the existing contracts, selection of resumes of candidates to be
employed in representation office in Libya and Egypt, monitoring of the market, participation
in exhibitions.
Achievements: The implementation of contracts, in accordance with the schedule, assisted in
the opening of the Libyan office.
200 8 - 2009 Wilson Learning Russia Coach
Performed as a coach in two programs: Persuasion Through Presentation and Work in a
Multicultural Team. Training was provided to employees of Alpha Bank and pharmaceutical
200 4-2007 Falcon Express licensee
of Federal Express (FedEx)
Regional representa tive / responsible for contacts with clients / Iraq
Responsibilities: As a representative of the company has been involved in ensuring the
smooth operation of express service in the chaos of the first after fall of regime in Iraq and
the establishment of cooperation with the new authorities, expansion of customers by
involving state institutions, companies that were working to restore the infrastructure, and as
a DOD contractor with other civilian contractors and military of coalition forces.
Achievements: Expanding company’s business by opening offices north of Baghdad increase
of sales by entering into service contracts with coalition contractors.
2003 -2004 RTI international, Iraq
Responsibilities: Holding meetings and lectures with a wide spectrum of Baghdad society
within the frame of Local Government Project , explaining the concept of Local Government,
getting feedback, and providing reports on the meetings.
2001 -2003 Stroygazneft, Iraq
Translator is responsible for contacts with clients.
Responsibilities: The company operates in the framework of the program of oil in exchange
for food. Participated in negotiations and correspondence with the Iraqi side.
1997 -2001 Edgoneft, Russia, Moscow Translator responsible for customer contact
Responsibilities: Company was engaged in supply of drilling reagents, accompanied by
experts at the meetings, business trips and exhibitions.
1995 -1997 Freelance translator
In collaboration with a group of Arabic linguists translated from Arabic into English and
Russian works on geopolitics and economics.
Under the terms of the customer has agreed not to mention my participation in the
translation in the publication.
1995 -1996 Coach Assistant
As a former member of the team, assisted the swimming coach during training, competitions
and lectures, as interpreter and administrator.
1993 -1995 Trading Company Al Azal
Iraq -Jordan -Russian
Translator, Sales Representative
Company imported Yenisey 1200 harvesters from Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant in Russia.
Worked part -time, because at that time served in the Iraqi Army.
Responsibilities: Translation of negotiations, meetings and correspondence, phone calls,
helping Russian s pecialists to transfer the experience to local workers at harvester plant.
1989 -1993 International Radio
Baghdad, Iraq
Translator, Editor
Duties: Started working as a translator in the Russian service, combining work with studies at
the University of Baghdad. Afterwards worked on a permanent basis, as an interpreter of the
thematic programs of the Iraqi Ministry of Information, edited program on the life of modern
Iraq, sights and stories, responding to letters of the Russian -speaking audience, also wa s
announcer of some programs.
After graduation, worked as a news editor in the Iraqi television, translated meetings of
Ministry of Culture and Russian speaking delegations and officials.
Note: I had listed above only the main work locations . In addition, I had worked as interpreter at
intergovernmental meetings as well as simultaneous interpreter at conferences, and numerous temporary
What kind of job am looking for : Where I can apply my professional and personal experience to establish
a constructive dialogue and rapprochement of positions of partners from different cultures.
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)