CTO (Chief technical officer)
Asta sh kin V la d im ir
Male, 52 year, born on 19 September 1966
+7 (926) 7356535
Skype: va147147
Another site: http://www.vladimir-astashkin.info
Reside in: Moscow
Citizenship: Russia
Ready to relocate: Europe, South East Asia
Desir e d p osit io n
Software Development Director, New Products Director
IT, Internet, Telecom
• CTO, CIO, IT Director
• Mobile, Wireless Technology
• Project Management
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
travel time to work: any
Work e xp erie nce — 28 y e ars 5 m onth s
Dec 2 018 T ill N ow
Elari. Net
Software Development Director
Mobile Payment and Mobile Ads Services Integration. OEM Device Software Ecosystem.
Developing and launching company new and core products
Achievements: Integrating mobile payments to largest media providers and software companies
such as Amediateka, Kaspersky Lab, 100Loto, Start.ru. Developing brand new elari.net software
ecosystem. Developing hybrid mobile applications.
Managing multiple projects and project teams, both internal and outsourcers
Expertise in building web, Android mobile, hybrid mobile client technologies, mobile operator VAS
CMS systems, high load/high scalability online services, project management, planning standards,
etc. Technologies: Angular/Ionic, NodeJS, Phyton, MongoDB, Amazon ElasticSearch DB, MySQL,
Redis. CI/CD Microservices with Bamboo, GitLab, Kubernetes
Febru ary 2 012 —
Dec 2 018
Adviator Media/OOO MKS
Resu m e u pdate d 7 J u ne 2 018 a t 1 3:1 8
Vice President, New Products
VAS and Mobile Services. Developing and launching company new and core products
Achievements: Developed high load, low latency SAAS software solutions such as mobile ad
platform adviator.com, mobile in-app payment platform appclick.org, Android SDKs to support
platforms, mobile applications store googames.ru, mobile video subscriptions platform for
Amediateka, mobile subscription platform for Kaspersky Lab, 100Loto, Start.ru
Managing multiple projects and project teams, both internal and outsourcers
Expertise in building web, Android mobile, hybrid mobile client technologies, mobile operator VAS
CMS systems, heavy duty online services, project management, planning standards, etc.
Ja nuary 2 008 —
Ja nuary 2 012
4 y e ars 1 m onth
Moscow, zed.com/; http://temanews.ru/; http://ruru.ru
Director of Projects and Products Department
Responsible for implementing new products in areas of mobile commerce, VAS, ERP.
Organizing project office from scratch. Running project office (more than 20 projects) in media
holding. Leading project management team of 6 PMs. Reporting directly to CEO.
Achievements – mobile commerce site www.ruru.ru (joint venture of Beeline, Alfa Bank and NSK);
mobile commerce sites of Beeline - kvartplata.beeline.ru, money.beeline.ru; mobile applications
ruru for Android, iOS (available on Android Market, Apple Store), CRM Prime, LMPE Loyalty
Management JASA for Beeline Kar-Tel (Kazakhstan), mobile content right-holder management
system (1C).
Introduced new on-line project management system and process EasyProjects
Participating tenders with leading providers of mobile, banking, VAS services.
Febru ary 2 008 —
Febru ary 2 010
2 y e ars 1 m onth
Saint Petersburg, stoloto.ru
Project Department Director
Managing several VAS projects in the line of “Osenny Marathon” SMS Quiz. Organizing tenders.
Automating company support call-center, creating company web site, payment management
system, SMS services. Integrating into Russian electronic payment systems (Contact, Unistream).
Mobile operators integration (Beeline, MTS).
April 2 007 —
Octo ber 2 008
1 y e ar 7 m onth s
www.mloto.ru, http://www.twistbox.com/
Project Director
RUMI is subsidiary of Twistbox Entertainment Inc (http://www.twistbox.com/). The company is
responsible for selling mobile content and mobile entertainment in CIS.
Fully managing mobile startup lottery project – first mobile lottery in Russian Federation. Reaching
monthly bet rate of 9000 points in Nizny Novgorod lottery. Successfully reaching the project goal.
As an outcome, the company obtained major shareholder Vympelkom (the second largest mobile
operator in Russia), the financial boat for future federal lottery project. Reporting directly to GM.
April 2 005 — A pril
2 y e ars 1 m onth
Tilleke&Gibbins, Bangkok
Asta sh kin V la dim ir • R esu m e u pdate d 7 J u ne 2 01 8 a t 1 3:1 8
IT Advisor to President
Tilleke & Gibbins is the oldest and one of the largest independent multi-service law firms in Thailand
with offices in Bangkok and Phuket, as well as in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The firm
and its affiliates presently employ 77 lawyers, consultants and paralegals and 210 support
personnel committed to providing clients with high-quality legal advice and services.
Responsible for reengineering of IT department, advising on company IT strategy. Supervising
development and implementation of new online time based billing system. Advising on
implementation of innovative software development and support standards in the company.
Personally reporting directly to the COO. Personally consulting IT Director and IT department
As an outcome, IT department of the company was fully restructured and expanded,
software development operations were separated from support and hardware maintenance
operations, innovative software development process was fully implemented, company LAN system
was completely redesigned using the latest technological standards and information security
maintenance process was automated.
Septe m ber 1 999 —
April 2 006
6 y e ars 8 m onth s
ZAO TrustLinks, Moscow (pres. HiQ http://hiq.se/en/)
Moscow, hiq.se/en/
General Manager
The company specialty is mobile software development and support. It produces software products
for handful of mobile platforms such as Pocket PC, Symbian and Palm. The company also
produces server solutions supporting remote communication to mobile devices.
Managing software development company of 120 developers. Responsible for HR, local sales,
production and operations, project management, budgeting, financial reporting. Personally reporting
directly to CEO. In Moscow, selling products through Ericsson, Scala, Siebel, Symbol, Pilot ZAO
using them as sales channels. As to sales, I was responsible for negotiations with top management
and top technical management of the client companies, coordinating sales activities between
headquarters and Moscow office.
As an outcome TrustLink was acquired by Ericsson AB (as major shareholder) in 2002, the
company reached annual sales revenues of USD 5M for period of 2002-2004.
Ja nuary 1 997 —
Ju ly 1 999
2 y e ars 7 m onth s
Harbour and Engineering Consultants NV, Gent, Belgium (currently
IT Senior Analyst
Participating in development of harbor wave forecast and vessel crash prevention information
Febru ary 1 995 —
Nove m ber 1 997
2 y e ars 1 0 m onth s
Griffon Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
Project Manager
Leading software development and consulting projects for United Nations (Asia Pacific), handful of
commercial companies, Thai mass market.
Ja nuary 1 994 —
Febru ary 1 995
1 y e ar 2 m onth s
Griffon Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
IT Senior Analyst
Participating software development and consulting projects for United Nations (Asia Pacific),
handful of commercial companies, Thai mass market.
Asta sh kin V la dim ir • R esu m e u pdate d 7 J u ne 2 01 8 a t 1 3:1 8
Ja nuary 1 990 —
Ja nuary 1 994
4 y e ars 1 m onth
Software Developer, Moscow, 1990-1994
IT Senior Software Engineer
Developing software in a range of governmental and commercial organizations. Details available on
Educa tio n
Maste r
Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
MBA Degree, Golden Medal of Honor
Moscow Aeronautics and Space University, Moscow, Russian
Electromechanics, Automation and Robotics Engineering Degree
Tests , e xa m in atio ns
Key s kills
Russian — native
English — I am a fluent speaker
Thai — basic knowledge
Swedish – basics knowledge
Sanscrit – basic knowledge
Addit io nal in fo rm atio n
Reco m mendatio ns
Available on Demand from European, American, Russian and Thai Executives
About m e
Strong organizational skills - planning, budgeting, risk management, assessment, task
assignment. Knowledge of all existing project development standards such as Scrum, DSDM,
RUP, etc. Experience organizing long distance teams.
Seven years of general manager experience of managing international software development
Asta sh kin V la dim ir • R esu m e u pdate d 7 J u ne 2 01 8 a t 1 3:1 8
Experience of leading complex IT projects –
15 years experience of working in international teams, familiar with American, European,
Scandinavian and South East Asian corporate cultures.
I am self-leading, self-motivated, and creative person. Capability to organize and coordinate
development teams. Ability to react quickly and flexibly in stressful, rapidly changing environment.
Substantial experience in evaluating and managing business risks. Highly adaptable and flexible.
Fast learner. Highly communicative. Capable of formulating tasks quickly and efficiently for people
of different professional levels and different cultures. Fluent in English.
Asta sh kin V la dim ir • R esu m e u pdate d 7 J u ne 2 01 8 a t 1 3:1 8
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)