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D igital m arketing jargon buster
A nalytics or W eb A nalytics Tools The analysis of data generated by people’s activity on
w ebsites or m obile apps, for the purpose of discovering w ays to im prove w ebsites and
m arketing cam paigns.
E.g. “I’m using w eb analytics tools to com e up w ith ideas to redesign m y w ebsite.”
A pp (A pplication) A program designed to run on sm artphones, tablets and other m obile
E.g. “M y house needs painting, so I used a local app to find a reputable service near m e.”
B anner A d A form of advert found on w eb pages and m obile applications, usually in im age
form at.
E.g. “I’m using banner ads to bring new custom ers to m y w ebsite.”
B log A regularly updated w ebsite w ritten by an individual, typically in a conversational style,
and focused on a specific subject.
B row ser A com puter program used to navigate the Internet on com puters, tablets and
sm artphones. Exam ples include C hrom e, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.
E.g. “I’m not sure w hy m y w ebsite looks different depending on the brow ser a person is using.”
C lickthrough R ate (C TR ) The num ber of tim es people click on an item of interest, like an
advert, in com parison to the num ber of tim es users are exposed to that item .
E.g.: “M y clickthrough rate on ads about external painting is 2% , but m y C TR on ads about
indoor m urals is less than 1% .”
C ontent The digital m aterial available to users, via text, video, audio, im ages, etc.
E.g. “I’m adding m ore im age and video content to m y site, so it’ll be m ore engaging.”
C onversion or G oal The action you w ant visitors to perform . Exam ples include ecom m erce
purchases, form subm issions, phone calls, and video view s.
E.g. “M y m ain goal is for people to book a consultation on m y w ebsite, but signing up for m y
em ail new sletter w ould also be a conversion.”
C onversion O ptim ization The process of increasing the percentage of visitors w ho com plete
your goals.
E.g. “O nce I add a new line of faux finishes to m y w ebsite, I’m going to start focusing on
conversion optim ization.”
C onversion R ate The ratio of conversions to visits, often used to m easure digital
perform ance.
E.g. “I’m not sure w hy, but m y conversion rate on external painting is very low for m ale visitors.”
C ost per C lick The am ount of m oney required to produce a single click on a digital
advertisem ent.
E.g. “C ost per click prices seem to be higher during w eekends, so I’m only running m y
cam paigns during the w eek.”
C raw ler or Spider A program designed to system atically brow se content on the Internet and
collect inform ation about it to help searchers find w hat they’re looking for.
E.g. “I’m scared of spiders, but not the ones that help m y w ebsite appear in search engines.”
D esktop A nonm obile device like a personal com puter or laptop com puter.
E.g. “I prefer to use a desktop com puter at hom e, but w hen I travel I use m y tablet.”
Ecom m erce The sale of products and services online.
Em ail M arketing The process of using em ail m essages to share inform ation and prom ote
products and services.
H om e Page The introductory or “m ain” page of a w ebsite.
E.g. “O n m y hom e page, visitors can see exam ples of m y m ost beautifully painted houses.”
H TM L H ypertext M arkup Language. A language used by w eb developers to create w ebsites.
E.g. “M y w ebsite w as w ritten using H TM L.”
Im pressions The num ber of tim es an advert is displayed.
E.g. “M y new m arketing cam paign for kitchen painting has received thousands of im pressions,
but I’m not sure if I’ve booked any sales yet.”
Index A searchable catalogue of w eb pages and digital content used by a search engine to
provide relevant results.
E.g. “Before m y site appeared in the search engine’s index, people couldn’t find m y w ebsite
w hen they searched for foyer m urals.”
K eyw ord A w ord or a phrase typed into a search engine, w hich businesses can target as part
of their advertising cam paigns.
Landing Page The first page on a w ebsite that a person usually sees— not necessarily the
hom e page of that w ebsite.
E.g. “I’m adding a coupon to m y landing page so that m y w ebsite visitors w ill be encouraged to
Link A text or im age that provides a link from one w eb page or w ebsite to another.
E.g. “W hen a m ajor hom e decor blog linked to m y w ebsite, I got a lot m ore visitors.”
M obile D evice A portable device, such as a sm artphone or tablet, capable of connecting to
the Internet and running applications.
E.g. “G randm a got a tablet and a sm artphone for her birthday, so now she’s using m obile
devices just like her grandkids.”
N atural Listings or O rganic Listings R esults from a search engine that are not paid adverts.
E.g. “The higher m y w ebsite ranks in a search engine’s natural listings, the m ore w ebsite traffic
I’ll get.”
Paid Listings Advertisem ents that appear on search engines results pages.
E.g. “I’m thinking about paying to have m y w ebsite appear in the paid listings, so that I can bring
m ore custom ers to m y w ebsite.”
PayPerC lick (PPC ) An advertising system in w hich advertisers pay for users to click on their
advertisem ents.
E.g. “I’m going to use payperclick adverts to prom ote m y new faux finishes.”
Q uery or Search Term The keyw ord or phrase a user types into a search engine in order to
find w hat they’re looking for.
E.g. “W hen people use the search term ‘hairdresser’ they m ight be looking for tips on how to do
it them selves or a service to do it for them .”
R anking A listing’s position on a search engine results page.
E.g. “W ith a lot of w ork, I’m hoping to get m y w ebsite to the #1 ranking on search engines.”
Search Engine A tool that indexes and returns relevant digital content in response to users’
keyw ords. Popular Internet search engines include G oogle, Bing, Yahoo, D uckD uckG o, Baidu,
Yandex and m ore.
E.g. “I use search engines to look for trends in hom e decor.”
Search Engine O ptim ization (SEO ) The practice of m aking changes to w eb pages, content,
and the prom otion of that content to im prove visibility in the organic— or unpaid— search engine
E.g. “Investing in SEO helped m y w ebsite get a higher ranking in search engine results.”
Search Engine M arketing (SEM ) A form of advertising that allow s you to bid for your
advertisem ent to shоw along w ith search results for keyw ords that people are typing in. This
lets businesses be seen by people at the very m om ent they’re searching for the things a
business offers.
Exam ple: “SEO is a long process, but using SEM helped m e get a lot m ore w ebsite traffic really
Search Engine R esults Page (SER P) A list of results appearing in a search engine in
response to a user’s search query.
E.g. “After I searched for ‘buy highgloss paint in bulk’ I noticed that the SER P had both natural
listings and paid listings.”
Session or Visit A group of interactions that take place on your w ebsite w ithin a given tim e
fram e. For exam ple a single session can contain m ultiple page view s and ecom m erce
E.g.“M y w ebsite got 2,000 visits last m onth, but w hat I really care about is w hether those visits
resulted in sales.”
Social M edia C ontent such as text, im ages, or videos, created by individuals and shared
across the Internet.
E.g. “Social m edia changes all the tim e, so I hired m y niece to help m e create a social m edia
Social N etw ork A com m unity of individuals creating and sharing content.
E.g. “Social netw orks could be a good place for m e to shоwcase m y beautiful foyer m urals and
m aybe get new custom ers.”
Traffic A cquisition The process of attracting visitors often referred to as traffic to
w ebsites, m obile apps and other digital assets.
E.g. “M y acquisition strategy focuses on targeting people w ho have recently bought old houses.”
U nique Visitor A single visitor to a w ebsite during a specific period of tim e.
E.g. “N o m atter how m any tim es U ncle Bob visits m y w ebsite, he’s still just one unique visitor.”
U R L or U niform R esource Locator The unique address of a page or piece of digital content
on the Internet.
E.g. “Aunt Sue, you can access m y w ebsite by typing the U R L into your brow ser.”
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)