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Victoria A. Akopyan Cell/WhatsApp : +7 903 787 42 73 Telegram : @AV iA110 e-mail: victoria -akopyan@yandex.ru CURRICULUM VITAE Dec 202 0 – present People and Pur pose Director at Pepsi bottling ( Caucasus and M id Asia ) Investment (vc) ; food & beverages: Pepsi bottling (Caucasus & Middle Asia ), Nestle & local brands distribution (A rmenia) ; reta il (Uzbekistan ). People Strategy: Translate key data into an ef fective and commercially focused HR and People strategy, working with senior management and i nfluencing t hem on the best co urse of action. HR Data : Provide company -wide information by interpreting People dat a and analyzing figures on staff turnover, cost per hire, etc. Talent management : Devise a group -level recruitment strategy and oversee its i mplementat ion, interviewing s enior hires where necessary. Collaborati ng with PEP Training team for alignment in sa les training programs . Onboarding , Employer Brandi ng and Graduate Recruitment pr Culture and Leadership : Create, promote and develop an organizational culture in line with the company 's strategy and vi sio n in order to ensure the further development of the business through the cre ation of an effective worki ng atm osphere of shared values, principals, behaviors and ways of working. Organizationa l Development: Facilitate the de sign of eff ective organizatio n s tructures, identification of key roles and function al to efficiently fulfill company strategy. Change manage ment: Champion change initiatives, getting buy -in from board members Champion a performance -driven culture and cont inuously re view productivity and employee development, making recommendations for i mprovements. Countries cove red: UK, Russia, Uzbekist an, Armeni a, Georgia Report to: Chairman o f The Board and CEO Sep 201 3 – June 2019 HRD CBS funct ions at DANONE ➢ Headcount dynamics: 2013 - 20 000 to 7500 in 2019 ; Business volume in 2019 : ~ 4,5 bln euro ➢ 2013 -2016 HRBP for O perational functions (Industrial, Supply Chain, R&D, Quali ty) Role summary: Develop and impl ement company HR strategy that al igns with company vision and its current and long - term objectives at cluster level for 1D Support f unctions . Ens ure all activi ties and program s related to human res ource implemented. L ead, direct, evaluate and develop a tea m of managers to assure that HR strategy is implemented effectively, consistently and in accordance to established guidelines and bu dgets. Contribute to the st rateg ic planning and decision making a t top management lev el so the HR strategy is align ed with o ther business strategies. Areas c overed: Entire range of human res ources activities including Safety culture development ➢ Key Proj ect s: Prometheus, Protein, Tra nsformation, Digital Danone, Turnover reduction, HRBP role , One share One voice , New Budgeting sy stem, CBS Cost reduction , Lead ersh ip culture ; Employer Branding; Managemen t trainee ; Grad uate Recruit ment ➢ Direct reports – 5: 3 HR Business Partners , 2 HR ge neralists; Functional team – talent ac quisition &learning manag ers. ➢ Report to: Cluster HRD Jul 2012 – Sep 2013 Country R ecruitment & Development Manager at Pirelli Tyre Russia & Nordics ➢ Headcount – 4 0 00 (Moscow HQ + 2 plants in Voronezh and Kirov ); ➢ Business volume: 4% ou t of 4,6 billi on euro ➢ Role summary : Developing and Talent Management area approach including Talent Acquisi tion and Development, Management Trainee program launch, Employer Branding (EVP) and Learn ing &Development during active s tag e of integrations proces s, fo cus on ch ange management PROJECTS Proscom : Promotion and pro duct development for HR digitalization (CPO ) LR Group : HR processes review and lau nch to support new businesses and new organizational struct ure SIBUR : Talent Acquisition process redesign as a part of EJM and ERP syst em launch EDUCATION 2001 -2004 Postgraduate course, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov ,PhD 1996 -2001 Moscow State University named after M.V . Lomonosov , Journalism Master degr ee ADDITION AL CO URSE S 2018 Creativ ity tools; Cross -functional Leadership; Coaching for Growth ; Asserti veness in Business; Train the Train er sess ions 2014 - 201 8 DANONE HR Academy (7 modules incl. Kingstone University pro gram ) 201 3 INSIGHT/TTT ses sion (MBTI) 2011 PMI, Project management PERSONAL DATA DOB 11.10.1979 Married, one child
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)