Переводчик английского языка
Svetlana Appleton Maksimova
Svetlana Ma ksimova
+86 18024541677
12b building 2 , Xin Xue Hao Ting, Shajing town,
Shenzhen City , China
B A U n d e r g r a d u a t e
2004 -200 5 Pedagogical University of Biysk
• Mandarin and Education Major
2005 -2006 新疆大学 XinJiang University
• Mandarin Major (Foreign Student Exchange Program)
2006 -2008 Pedagogical University of Biysk
• English and Education Major
2008 -2010 Barnaul University of Linguistics
• English Interpretation Major
2010 -2011 Barnaul University of Linguistics
• English Teaching Major
Svetlana Maksimova
| T E F L C e r t i f i c a t i o n 1 2 0 h o u r s 1st C l a s s
• Teacher Orientation .
• The need for Grammatical Knowledge by the EFL Teacher .
• Grammatical Skills and Structure of EFL Dialogs .
• Asian problems in Learning English, a considerations of the difficulties of modern Asian English language
learners .
• How Students learn, preparing the environment .
• Successful lesson planning.
• Effective classroom techniques .
• English Grammar in Communications .
• Real World Teaching guidelines .
A u g u s t 2 0 1 9 – J a n u a r y 2 0 1 9 | E n g l i s h T e a c h e r
O p e n R o a d B u s i n e s s E n g l i s h C e n t e r – B a o A n S h e n Z h e n .
Working with adults aged 18 -45
Teaching the basics of Business English vocabulary and work ethics when dealing with business partners from different
cultures and backgrounds.
Development of lesson plans
Creating immersive environment through dialogues and role play
Reading and discussion of business relate d articles
Leading debate club
M a y 2 0 1 9 – A u g u s t 2 0 1 9 | E n g l i s h T e a c h e r
A n n a S c h o o l o f E d u c a t i o n – P a n y u , H u a N a n C o u n t r y G a r d e n , G u a n g z h o u .
Working with 2 -6 year old children, on a daily basis.
Work to simulate young minds, preparing them on their journey to primary education.
English speaking tuition, correct pronunciation , teaching basic English language concepts, vocabulary and sentence
Svetlana Maksimova
Confidence building exercises, to bring out the desire to learn in young minds
Development and organization of games to make the learning fun, this creating a last basis for young minds to retain
new knowledge.
Singing and dancing with children, developing choreography moves, for stimulation .
Parental meetings to discuss student development.
Concepts and activities
Guest speakers
In class c onflict resolution
Develop Lesson plans to suit the needs of the children.
Problem solving for children and in general
Providing support to slower students, in order to maintain balance in the classroom and high levels of student
Providing emotional support and guidance for students.
Class room decorations for an environment which promotes creative thinking, plus the display or student works.
Reason For leaving:
Moving to Shenzhen for personal reasons.
M a y 2018 – M a y 2 0 1 9 | E n g l i s h T e a c h e r
E n l i g h t e n I n t e r n a t i o n a l E n g l i s h D a y c a r e - S t a r R i v e r P a n y u , G u a n g Z h o u .
Working with 2 -6 year old children, on a daily basis.
Work to simulate young minds, preparing them on their journey to primary education.
English speaking tuition, correct pronunciation, teaching basic English language concepts, vocabulary and sentence
Svetlana Maksimova
Confidence building exercises, to bring out the desire to learn in young minds
Development and orga nization of games to make the learning fun, this creating a last basis for young minds to retain
new knowledge.
Singing and dancing with children, developing choreography moves, for stimulation.
Parental meetings to discuss student development.
Concepts an d activities
Guest speakers
In class conflict resolution
Develop Lesson plans to suit the needs of the children.
Problem solving for children and generally.
Providing support to slower students, in order to maintain balance in the classroom and high levels of student
Providing emotional support and guidance for students.
Class room decorations for an environment which promotes creative thinking, plus the display or student works.
Reason for leaving
Hours were reduced by the school due to falling student numbers.
J u l y 20 17 – F e b u r a r y 20 18 | E n g l i s h T e a c h e r
H a o K a i S h i L t d , H o n g K o n g .
Teaching 4 -12 year old’s
Bear Grylls Survival Academy
5d educational experience, using sight, language, sounds, and virtual reality type visual stimulation.
Svetlana Maksimova
This academy, was a completely different style of teaching using all kinds of stimulation types to give young learners a
sense of escapism into a different world, the students were then give tasks in the style of games to perform using
Engl ish with in this world.
Students were immersed in a new world and benefited greatly form this style of teaching as It was so completely
different to anything they had experienced before they actively wanted to participate at all time. In order to be part
of the activity English had to be used to solve puzzles to progress to the next levels and next challenges.
My role as teacher here was facilitator and moderator, I had to understand how the system of education worked from
a theory point of view to the exe cution point. I also had to be an expert of using the technology side of the system,
navigating the menus and delivering the lesson in a understandable and reasonable manner to the children.
Peppa Pig course for young learners
This was an immersive educat ional experience for young learners where they could be engaged in a Peppa Pig based
AR powered environment. Young learners were encouraged to participate in games and challenges based around the
Peppa Pig world. This engagement, was recorded for review and reflection, but also so the children could later see
themselves inside the Peppa pig world, interacting with Peppa Pig.
Here I was able to guide young learners through the educational experience, providing support as they learnt
I wrote scripts based u pon the Peppa Pig world, creating vocabulary games mimicking the contents of the TV show’s
storyline. This involved rehearsals and problems solving on the fly, due to the chaotic nature of guiding young
learners through a complicated but yet ultimately re warding experience.
Warren Buffet Philosophy Classes
This course was based upon the ideas and concepts of Warren Buffet, older children were taught, ideas based upon,
investment, money management, organizational skills, games and role play were used to reinforce practical real
world business ideas and concepts, allowing older children to gain practical and important real life skills earlier in lif e,
while learning essential business vocabulary.
Reason for leaving:
Investors backed out of the school fundi ng due to ROI being too low, the school was successful, however the
investors wanted their money back faster, so the school was shut down.
F e b r u a r y 20 17 – J u l y 20 17
Te r a c y E n g l i s h l a n g u a g e S c h o o l .
English language teaching for 9-12 year old ove rseas Chinese students working to a native level curriculum.
Reading books for English comprehension skills.
Analyzing text, based upon content, achieving comprehension goals for young learners at a native level of speaking
reading and writing.
Public spea king.
Test preparation for reentry into Canadian and USA based public or private schools.
Svetlana Maksimova
Reason for leaving:
Found a more stimulating job
A u g u s t 2 0 1 6 – F e b u r a r y 2 0 1 7
F o s h a n C o n c o r d i a I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c h o o l
Homeroom and the Arts Teacher for Pre K level.
Homeroom decoration, creating a beautiful, comfortable, welcome and nurturing environment for students to learn
Phonic teaching to students on a daily basis.
Morning PE lessons.
Recess, planning and monitoring.
Communications with parents on s tudent development.
Reason for leaving:
Mismanagement of the school forced the staff to rethink their choices.
A u g u s t 2 0 1 3 – A u g u s t 2 0 1 6
F i l a m o r e E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e T r a i n i n g C e n t e r
9-14 Year old children English teaching.
Intermediate and advanced English language training for middle school children students in a bilingual environment
Daily English language lesson, reading, writing and speaking.
Coursework and exam preparation.
Homework setting a nd marking.
Parental consolations to explain student developmental needs, progress and teacher parent conferences.
Conflict resolution between students.
Reason for leaving:
Found a better opportunity
Svetlana Maksimova
• Fluent in Russian , native speaker .
• Fluent in English.
• Intermediat e Spoken Chines e.
• Excellent child management skills.
• Advanced computer literacy, involving all major office software solutions .
• Highly creative, and motivated by DIY art projects.
• Competent nail artist, and design enthusiast.
• Advanced t rouble shooting.
• Excellent communications skills, both verbal and non -verbal.
• Natural leader with the ability to listen.
• Keen organizational skills.
• Logical problem solving .
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)