Директор по производству (переезд в Дубай)
Svetlana Lukashevich
Head of Procurement /Excellence / Supply Chain/ Business Development
LinkedIn: / Antalya, Izmir, Istanbul /TU RKEY , +90 (534) 6603902/ svetlukash @gm ail.co m
PROFILE: Professional with proven practical ex pertise through Global/Head/Regional/Ex cellence/Development in multinationals
worldwide : mentored teams within 17 countries upto 55 heads , managed over 1 mio USD spend in indirect/direct categories and
commodities (food, seeds, glass, plastic, chemicals, spirit, tobacco ) with extracted savi ngs value upto OpEx - 9%, CapEx -16 %
Mar 2023 — Mar 2024 Global Head of Pro curem en t, YNV Group
Procurement strategy for 2023 -25, plans, budget, objectives, labour resources, processes set up and technology
road maps, fiscal authority matrix, commercial standards, vendors management, on- boarding, developed
catego ries so lutio n s in Pro fessio n al Service – Insurance, Real Estate and Hospitality, Business Travel & MICE
Jul 2022 — Mar 2023
Coun try Pr ocur em en t Dire ct or, PRYSM IAN GR OUP
Guided local procurement team to improve collaboration with regional strategy and focus on key raw materials
and m etals to avo id supply constrains by altern ative ro utes b uild in g, m aterial altern atives m atrix d evelo p m en t ,
existin g T&C negotiation that led to fix ed altern atives and up to 6 % savin gs and 2% cash flow improvements .
Jun 2014 — Jul 2022
Regio nal O per ati on Pro cur eme nt Head, IM PER IAL B RANDS
Structured and led the procurement team s to promote Global guid elin e s an d d eliver objectives following the
country local specifics - acro ss 1 7 countries, £65M annual spends on direct and indirect sources, spanning
C en tral Asia, Turkey, Th e M id d le East, Italy. G lo b al p ro jects in IT, Fleet, M arketin g, Facilities, C o n sultan cy.
May 2010 — May 2014
Procurement Regional Director, BUNGE
Industrial and indirect spend categories, best practices e -procurement - with spend $210mio annual spends
across two existing countries/plants/ Managed the new plant construction project in Ukraine. Established
procurement team and delivered costs benefits 6.5% influencing spend covera ge 88%, yielding ROI above 5.
Feb 2008 — May 2010
Head of Procurement, DIAGEO \
F rom scratch a matrixed procurement team, m arketin g savin gs 22% , restructured seasonable import lo gisti c s
on 2 tim es sc ope flexib ility , contracted manufacturer in fluen c ed COGS : P&L im p act ( - ) to +5% in 18 months.
Ja n 1995 — Feb 2008
Category Buyer Manager/Senior Buyer & Project , BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO
P ro cesses(so urcin g)/ system (SRM , e -auctions) set up . Stakeholders/risks m itigatio n / sup p liers ’ management.
Oct 2004 — Apr 2005 Management & Business Administration, High Economic School
Sep 1991 — Jul 1996 Ma ster of Languages & Literature, State Pedagogical Univers ity
En glish C2 French A2
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)