Оператор горячей линии( Общероссийская общественная организация Российский Красный Крест )
Personal information
NAME: Olesya Dantseva
Date of birth: 08.09.1990
Address: Mozhaisk, Russia
(moving from Ukraine due to hostilities)
Citizenship: Ukrainian
Phone number: 79116953945
Email: dantsevaolesia@gmail.com
Umanskij pedagogical university named after Pavlo Tychyna
Occupation: Teacher of Ukrainian language and literature - 2016
Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation course IFRC - 2021
Decentralization in Ukraine - 2020
Basic of healthcare reform by e Health - 2020
Preparation and implementation of community development project - 2020
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, UNHCR - 2019
Response to gender-based violence: identification, first emergency aid,
People in Need - 2019
Case management for children protection, Save the Children - 2018
Work experience
Center for Civil Protection in Conflict (СIVIC) 2022 - 2023
Position: Protection Officer/Ukraine
Implementation of a protection strategy based on selected communities
Establishing strong partnerships with communities,
by local authorities, local and international NGOs/CSOs/MOs
in certain communities. Facilitating the adaptation of civil-military methodology
dialogue aimed at developing solutions to improve civilian protection
population along the conflict line. Facilitating curriculum development and
materials for civil-military dialogues
Facilitating the development of advocacy products (briefings, reports, surveys)
Facilitating the development of communication strategies for the dissemination of
Representation of CIVIC in international, non-governmental organizations, interested
parties of local self-government
International Organization for Migration (IOM) - 2022
Position: Field Assistant/Ukraine
Support IOM safety and security activities in community field
Missions, conflict detection, cross-sectarian data collection at
Project sites, rapid technical assessments, surveys and participation in
NMS assessments and focus group discussions.
Supporting the implementation of environmental and social activities
By working with beneficiaries to help identify and register a suitable
Request for participation in IOM projects to raise funds for status,
Funds and participation in communities.
Supporting activities targeting social and health institutions through
Outreach for data collection and site visits to designated institutions.
Support for monitoring and evaluation teams
Help with gap detection and detection in contacts
Regular mapping of humanitarian and stabilization activities,
Emergencies and absurd borders, as well as NGOs and humanitarian
Organizations in sight, and advice the head of office on
Possible connections.
Assisting the Field Office in organizing or organizing any activities and
Activities related to the E&S Department, as well as in
Humanitarian and development activities (coordination meetings,
Working groups, presentations, discussions, visits, etc.)
Local office support with informal interpretation and translation
(English/Ukrainian, Russian and vice versa) upon request.
Other responsibilities assigned to projects
Danish Refugee Council - 2021
Position: MEAL Assistant/Ukraine
Assist with developing M&E tools and guidance
This includes converting questionnaires into Kobo forms or other
Data collection platforms as necessary
Supporting field teams in carrying out monitoring activities
Assist with data compilation, tracking and analysis
Support program and information management staff
With a performance indicator on a monthly basis. This
May include periodic review of supporting documentation
Assist with desk research, post-assistance monitoring and evaluation reports
Working with programmed and other MEAL staff to compile
Reports for various coordination requests including OCHA and local authorities
Registrar, as a feedback and response mechanism for
DRC-DDG complaints (maintaining a hotline for DRC-DDG
Complaints and promoting other complaints and grievance
Mechanisms where appropriate)
Providing advice on safe and secure storage of data and information
Support with conducting learning events
Assist with updating Lessons Learnt Tool
Any other tasks, as requested including, but not limited to
Translation, taking minutes, representation in coordination
Meetings etc.
International Organization for Migration (IOM) - 2021
Position: Interviewer/Ukraine
Surveys and questionnaires
Telephone surveys
Submission of reports on the work
ACTED - 2020/Ukraine
Position: Enumerator
Interaction with local authority's information about the activity
Coordination of volunteers instructing on sewing masks,
Issuing humanitarian aid
Surveys and questionnaires
Telephone surveys
Questioning at the points of deployment of the target audience
Submission of reports on the work
The Right to Protection, CF 2018 - 2019
Position: Regional monitor/Ukraine
Monitoring the observance of the rights and freedoms of IDPs
Monitoring of the collision line crossing points
Visits to state bodies, compact settlements, events
Communication with IDPs, victims of conflict,
Representatives of government institutions and non-governmental
Gather information on the humanitarian situation
Identify the most vulnerable IDPs and their needs
Legislation clarification for IDPs, counseling on other issues
Provide other personal assistance
Display information in the system
Identification of potential beneficiaries
Center for social services for the family, children and youth 2017 - 2018
Position: Specialist in social work/Ukraine
Social and psychological support of families and individuals in difficult
Life circumstances
Providing access to quality social services and clients means of individual
2014 - 2016
Position: Senior Manager/Ukraine
Collection of terminals
Warehouse accounting
Reception of applications
2008 - 2014
Position: Educator /Ukraine
Care and education of children
Professional skills and personal qualities
High performance
Sustainability in stressful situations
Ability to learn
Fast orientation in difficult situations
MS Word - Excel - Power Point - Kobo toolbox - ODK
Microsoft Teams Outlook - WebEx - Zoom
Foreign language skills
Russian - fluent - Ukrainian - fluent - English - intermediate
Additional information - Category B
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)