Молекулярный биолог
Nik olai V. K uznetsov
Curriculum Vitae
Mobile phone : +7 903 18 77 44 3
E-mail : nikkuznetsov@inbox.com
Citizenship Russian Federation
Academic Qualification : Ph.D. (Molecular Biology)
M.Sc. (Biochemistry)
B.Sc. (Cell Biology)
Cell and Molecular NGS applications: RNA -seq , ChIP -seq, RIP -seq , transcriptomics ,
Biology lab experience : Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) , isolation/purification techniques .
Sample preparation library generation, pre -and post -sequencing
quality control, gene/transcript expression profiling. Analysis of
genome DNA -protein interactions and identification of new gene
targets. General and special met hods in biochemistry, molecular
cloning, bacteria and yeast genetics, cell, genome and molecular
biology. Human and mouse g enome sequencing project s.
Development of yeast -based gene screening system for protein
interactions. Protein structure biology project on nuclear p ore
complex associated proteins. Studies on cytoskeleton gene
networks in T lymphocytes under simulated microgravity and
stress conditions.
Biotech experience: M ethods in genomics, high -throughput screenings (HTS), gene
expression profiling, transcriptomics and biorobotic applications
(QIAGEN, BioRobotics); ABI, Bio -Rad, Hybaid, Techne,
Eppendorf, Stratagene PCR and qPCR platforms. Discovery and
validation of new biomarkers linked to inflammation and
generation of a new diagnostic methods. Development of
person alized medicine -based applications: discovery of
biomarkers to identify patients suitable for the treatment. Design
and development of new nucleic acid -based drug compounds
targeting innate immunity. Nucleic acid -based products quality
control. Participati on in clinical and proof -of -concept studies.
Generation of patents, PCTs, research articles and presentations.
2014 –202 2 Senior Research Specialist, Sr. Lab Manager,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
20 12 – 2013 Senior Scientist, Drug Discovery & Development ,
InDex Pharmaceuticals, Stockholm, Sweden
200 2 – 20 11 Research Scientist, Drug Discovery & Development ,
InDex Pharmaceuticals AB, InDex Diagnostics AB, Stockholm, Sweden
1999 – 2001 Postdoctoral position in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics,
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical Nobel Institute,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
199 7 –1998 Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Cell Proliferation Laboratory,
Marie Curie Research Institute, the Chart, Oxted, Surrey, UK.
201 5 – 20 20 Teaching and supervising Amgen and Erasmus exchange program
scholar s
2011 – 2012 Teaching to basic laboratory practice , Praktisk A rbetslivsorientering ,
Betriebspraktikum students
2018 – 2021 Swedish National Space Agency Research grаnt, Stockholm, Sweden
2015 – 2020 Karolinska Institutet , Travel grаntawards , Stockholm, Sweden
199 7 – 1998 Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellow ship Award, Marie Curie RI, UK
"Cell responses to simulated microgravity and hydrodynamic stress can be distinguished by
comparative transcriptomics ", Kouznetsov NV , International Journal of Translational
Medicine 2022, 2, 364 –386 www.mdpi.co m/2673 -8937/2/ 3/29 ,www.mdpi.com/2673 -8937/2/3/29/htm
"An intronic deletion in megakaryoblastic leukemia 1 is associated with hyperproliferation
of B cells in triplets with Hodgkin lymphoma "
Record J, Sendel A, Kritikou JS, Kuznetsov NV ,et al ., Haematologica 20 20 ; 1 05:1339 -1350
"Alternative Splicing of FOXP3 Controls Regulatory T Cell Effector Functions and Is
Associated with Human Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability "
Joly A L, Seitz C, Liu S, Kuznetsov N V, Gertow K, et al ., Circulation Res earch 2018;
122:1385 -1394
"Nuclear WASp co -regulates TCF1 -mediated transcription in T cells "
Kuznetsov NV , Almuzzaini B, Kritikou JS , Baptista M, et al., Genome Medicine 2017 ; 9:91
"The small Rho GTPases Rac1 and Rac2 are important for T cell independent antigen
responses and for suppressing switching to IgG2b in mice. "Gerasimcik N, He M, Dahlberg C,
Kuznetsov NV , et al., Frontiers in Immunology 2017 ; 8:1264
"Biomarkers can predict potential clinical responders to DIMS0150 a Toll -Like receptor 9
agonist in ulcerative colitis " Kuznetsov NV , et al ., BMC Gastroenterology 2014; 14 :79
"The Design and Structure -Functional Properties of DNA -Based Immunomodulatory
Sequences ” in “ Target Identification and Validation in Drug Discovery ",
Kuznetsov NV .Methods Mol.Biol. 2013; vol. 986 , ch .3:41 -56
"Identification of a new WASP and FKBP -like (WAFL) protein in inflammatory bowel
disease: a potential marker gene for ulcerative colitis. "
Viklund IM, Kuznetsov NV , Löfberg R, et al ., Int J Colorectal Dis . 2008; 23 :921 -30
"The dioxin/aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediates downregulation of osteopontin gene
expression in a mouse model of gastric tumourigenesis. "
Kuznetsov NV , Andersson P, Gradin K, Stein P, et al ., Oncogene. 2005 ; 24(19):3216 -22.
"Search for T cell response genes to simulated microgravity in vitro using comparative
transcriptomics analysis method ", https://korolev.bmstu.press/en/
Talk at the XLVI Academic Space Korolev Readings , Moscow, Russia , January 202 3
Presentation at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Immunology
"Cell responses to simulated microgravity and hydrodynamic stress can be distinguished by
comparative transcriptomics ", Reykjavik, Iceland , June 2022
"Development of personalized diagnostics for the space travellers ",
Talk at the 10 th Conference "Molecular Diagnostics 2021" , Moscow, Russia , November 202 1
"Transcriptome analysis of human T cell respo nse to long -term simulated microgravity",
Talk at the 22 nd IAA Humans in Space Symposium , Dubai, UAE, November 2019
Presentation at the Meeting of Swedish Space Researchers Group ( Svenska rymdforskares
samarbetsgrupp), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg , Sweden , 2019 :
"Actin cytoskeleton gene networks response to simulated microgravity in T cells ".
"Nuclear WASp is involved in regulation of TCF1 -mediated gene transcription during
T lymphopoiesis ", Talk at the GAP 2018 Conference “Global efforts fighting cancer”,
Stockholm, Sweden , May 2018
"Mammalian WNT network signaling: mice to human translation and comparison ",
Talk at the 1st AsiaEvo Conference Dameisha, Shenzhen, China , April 2018 .
"The challenge of T lymphocytes in microgravity ",
Talk at the 21 st IAA Humans in Space Symposium , Shenzhen, China, November 2017
Presentation at the16 th Karolinska Institutet Cancer Retreat , Stockholm, Sweden , Oct ober 2017
Presentation at the Genomics and Systems Biology VII Meeting , Abu Dhabi, UAE , April 2017
Presentation at the 12 th International Congress of Cell Biology, Czech Republic, J uly 2016
30+ PATENT s and PCT s
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)