Менеджер по продажам со знанием турецкого языка
Address : Kobkaew Apartment No:202
888/11 Ubon Road Muangtai Muang Sisaket, T HAILAND
Phone : +905412998444
Date of Birth : 3rd July 1981
E-Mail : mserh atakin@gmail. com
Line ID : mattakin
06/2021 – Present EFL Teacher at Sisaket Wittayalai School – Muan g Sisaket / THAILAND http://skw.ac.th/
Pre paring course materials and designing lessons that cover all aspe cts of the English language, whether
written or verbal. Keeping tr ack of student progress and customize individual plans for students with s pecial
requirem ents. Creati ng a positive class environment and encouraging students to reach their learning goals.
Organ ising coursework, learning materials , syllabi and int eg rating different projects related to UN Sustainable
Development Goals in to the school ’s cu rriculum .
08/2020 – 06/2021 Deputy Head of the English Department of Middle&High Sc hools at Uğur Schools –
Konyaaltı Campus , Antalya / TURKEY www.ugurokull ari.k12.tr
Managing the instit ution ’s English programme , ensuring the common standard s and practises at 107 branc hes
across Turkey , conducti ng job interviews, preparing and following up assessment tests , publications, and
reporting to the head of the de partment .
06/2019 – 08/2020 Regional Head of English Department of Western Mediterranean Middle&High
Schools at Uğur Schools – Konyaaltı Camp us, Antalya / TUR KEY
Communicating regularly with campus heads to lead them to implement the curricula as planned in the
designated area schools. Moni toring the success and coordinati ng the language acquisition process of eac h
campus in the region .
08/2018 – 08/2020 EFL Teach er at Uğur Schools – Konyaaltı Campus, Antalya / TURKEY
Teaching English to children, an d teenagers including preparing and delivering classes , or ganizing and
partici pating in extra -curricular activities such as contests , debates, e -twinning projects, JMUN confere nces,
and many special events.
10/2017 – 08/20 18 Academic Director / H eadmaste r at B ritish Culture Association – Antalya / TURKEY
Oversee ing school admini stration, curriculum, programs, services, and resources. Communicating school goals
and needs to parents, the community, and the school board. Establish ing academic and behavio ural standards
for students and administer student discipline.
08/2017 – 08/201 8 Freelance Consultant – Antalya / TURKEY – Beijing / CHINA
Training teachers and interviewing teacher candidates via Skype, designing the syll abus, placement tests and
ex tra -curricular activities for different language schools, providing advice on more effi cient sales of language
courses according to students’ initial level and current progress.
10/2016 – 08/2017 Senior Teacher at Field Educ ation International – JinYuan Cent re, Bejing / CHINA
Providin g support to teachers such as lesson planning, selecting and adapting materials for use in class while
assisting and training each teacher to maximise their teaching abiliti es and interpersonal skills. Helping
teachers to sеlесtappropriate lesson aims which are expressed in terms of learner outcomes and the syllabi.
Carrying out team building activities. Developing course and test materials, flip charts, videos, and e -archiv es
for teacher ’s access. Conducting weekly meetings with subordinates to t alk about weekly performance results
to maintain continuous improvement and prepare an acti on plan for foreseen obstacles. Completing monthly
lesson observation forms for each teache r and organizing peer observation. Helping the academic department
with qu art erly performance assessments of teachers such as Demo class sign -up and class renewal rates.
01/2016 – 10/2016 EFL Teacher at Field Education I nternational – JinYuan Centre, Bej ing / CHINA
Teaching English to children aged 2 – 12 alon g with planning, organizing, and providing efficient classroom
management and instruction in English to mee t school's standards to ensure tha t students learn and exceed
learning targets. Preparing and carrying out scheduled and extra -curricular activ ities.
03/2015 – 01/2016 EFL Teacher at Jenny English School, Langfang, Hebei Province / CHINA
Teaching English to children, teenagers and adults from elementary to advanced levels includes preparing and
delivering classes in different skills such as Reading, Writing, Listening, Grammar, Speaking, Business English,
TOEFL and IELTS preparation courses. Designi ng materials and syllabi for practical c lasses, doing placement
tests and giving feedback to the students' parents, keeping records of students ’ progress, finalise recruitment
needs through liaison with agencies, pre -selecting candidates, and conducting jo b interviews with candidate s
teachers. T aking an active part in the advertisement and marketing of the school with an effective practical use
of Mar keting Mix.
12/2012 – 02/2015 EFL Teacher at SkillSet Schools, Krasnodar / RUSSIA www.skillset.ru
Teaching teenagers and adults English from elementary to advanced levels. This would include preparing and
delive ring ‘subscription system’ classes in Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Phrasal Verbs, Writing, Idioms and
Slang, Liste ning, Speaking, Business English, Ne ws, and TOEFL. Designing materials for practical classes and
tests, organizing and participating in extra -curricular activities such as poetry contests, and special events.
04/2012 – 12/2012 Partner of the Firm , Rus Res taurant, Antalya / TURKEY
Ensuring that the restaurant operated efficiently and profitably. Coordinating different activities such as
planni ng menus, checking stock levels and ordering supplies, recruiting and training staff, supervising chefs,
waiters an d cleaning staff.
08/2007 – 04/20 12 Authorised Customer Relations Representative at T.Halkbank A.Ş. , Yalova Branch,
Yalova / TURKEY www.halkbank.com.tr
Managing a portfolio of over 500 individuals with high net worth while implementing a high -quality cli ent
service and customer retention approach. Making decisions on gr anting loans and mortgages. Overseeing the
maintenance of the private banking department's deposit and loan volume while increasing sales ratios by
doing market research and ensuring custom ers' satisfaction. Achieve agreed on personal targets as well as
branch ta rgets inside the operational area for deposit growth, income generation, product sales and new
client growth preferences.
02/2006 – 07/2009 Master’s in Bus iness Administration (Manage ment Organisation), Du mlup ınar
University, Kütahya / TURKEY www.dumlupinar.edu.tr
09/1999 – 02/2004 Bache lor' s in Business Administration , Cumhuriyet University – Sivas / TURKEY
09/2009 – 09/2011 Associate ’s Degree in Human Resources Management, Anadolu Un iversity – Eskişehir
/TURKEY www.anadolu.edu.tr
03/2014 – 02/2015 TESOL Diploma - 250 hours - ITTT TESOL www.teflcourse.net
01 /2018 – 06 /2018 Pedagogical Proficiency – Akdeniz University – Antalya / TURK EY www.akdeniz.edu.tr
Turkish C2 (Proficiency Level) , English C2 (Proficiency Level) , Russian A 2 (Elementary Level) , German A1
(Beginner Level) , Mandarin Chinese A1 (Beginner Level)
Powe rPoint, Wo rd, Excel / Windows / SP SS (Statistical Programme for Social Sciences) , Active Inspire
1. CELT -S - Certificate in English Language Teaching – Secondary , Cambridge University – 2021
2. Certificate of Pa rticipation – Low -cost experiments -inc reasing a ccess to hands -on science in your home and
around the wor ld, Scientix , European School net, Europe – 10 .02. 2021
3. Certificate of Participation, STEM Alli ance – Scientix, European Schoolnet, Europe, 11. 02.2021
4. eTwinning L abel – National Support Servi ce of Bel gium, and Turkey, Europe – 09.2020
5. eT winning Label – National Support Service of Republic of North Ma cedon ia, and Turkey, Europe – 03.2 020
6. TROYMUN – Certificate of Participation – Gelecek Odaklı Akademi, Çanakkale / TURKEY – 11.2019
7. eT winning Label – National S upport Service of Belgium, and Turkey, Europe – 09 .2019
8. JMUN - Certificate of Participation – Bahçeşehir College, Antalya / TURKEY – 03.2019
9. eT winning Label – National Support Service of Belgium, and the Czech Republic, Europe – 10.2018
10. eT winning Label – National Support Service of Spain, and Germ any, Europe – 10.2018
11. 360 Degree Performance Evaluation – İstanbul İşletme Enstitüsü, Istanb ul / TURKEY – 10.2017
12. CV Preparation Interview Skills – İstanbul İşletme Enstitüsü, Istanbul / TURKEY – 10.2017
13. Interview Techniques – İstanbul İşletme En stitüsü, Istanbul / TURKEY – 10.2017
14. Job Analysis and Job Description Techniques – İstanbul İşletme E nstitüsü, Istanbul / TURKEY – 10.2017
15. Payroll Management – İstanbul İşletme Enstitüsü – Istanbul / TURKEY – 10.2017
16. TESOL (Teaching English to S peakers of Other Languages) Certificate – 120 hours - 03.2014 at ITTT TESOL
17. Credit Expert Certification – T. Halkbank A.Ş., Istanbul / TURKEY – 05.10.2011 – 10.10.2011
18. Marketing Specialist Certificate – T. Halkbank A.Ş., Istanbul / TURKEY – 02.07.2010 – 09.07.2010
19. Time and Stress Management – Optimist Yönetim Danışmanlığı, Istanbul / TURKEY – 04.07.2010
20. Mortgage Expert Certificate – Maltepe University, Istanbul / TURKEY – 08.03.2009
21. Dynamic Sales Techniques Certificate – Tem Yönetim Geliştirme, Istanbul / TURKEY 10. 12.2007
22. Money, Capital and Treasury Products – Strata Training&Consulting, Istanbul / TURKEY 07.12.2007
23. Ms -Office Operating Course Certific ate – 160hours – 05. 09.2006 at Kaynarca Halk Eğitim Merkezi, Kaynarca
– Sakarya / TURKEY www.kaynarcahem.meb.k12.tr
Going to the gym, swimming, drawing and painting, reading, writing novels, rock c limbing, yoga, trave lling,
watching movies.
REFERENCES are available on request
1. Bullying Among School C hildren: An Etwinning Case Study , 06.2020,
https://twinspace.etwinning.net/94319/pages/p age/883178
2. TESOL Diploma Course Paper in t he Role of Motivation in ESL Learning: Skillset Sc hools Of English Krasnodar
Branch Case Study
3. Master's Thesis in Impacts of the Country Image on th e Customer Demands in Tourism: Turkey Case.
4. The Relatio ns between Rewarding Systems and Organisational Loyalty: A Case Study of Turkish Copper
5. The Relations between Organisational Communication and Institutional Success: A Case Study of Tur kish
Banking Industry.
6. Oral Presentation: Quality Organ isations and ISO 9001 Series.
7. Study: Benchmarking and Its Use with a Sample of A Leading House hold Appliance Producer in Turkey
8. Bachelor's Thesis in Image and Vision of Man agement .
1. ‘Young Guest Has Come to the Old Dead’ / ‘ Yaşlı Ölülerin Arasına Bir Küçük Misafir Geldi’.
http://www.galatagazete.com/o/index.php/gorus/ka dn/2063 -yal -oeluelerin -arasna -bir -kuecuek -misafirgeldi. html
http://pinarcek irge.blogcu.com/anneler -gununde -mehmet -s-akin -pinar -cekirge/10691898
2. ‘Medea Was Craving for Death’ / ‘Ölüm İstiyordu Medea’.
http://www.tiyatrodunyasi.com/makaledetay.asp?makale no=1801
3. ‘Solitude Covering the Sunset, Love or Just Pinar Cekirge’ / ‘Akş am Güneşiyle Tüllenen Yal nızlıklar, Sevdalar
Ya Da Sadece Pınar Çekirge’.
http://ww w.galatagazete.com/o/index.php/gorus/roeportaj/5353 -akam -gueneyle -tuellenen -
yalnizliklarsevdalar -ya-da -sadece -pnar -cekrge.html
4. ‘All of Them and I’. A novel. / ‘Hepsi ve B en’ (unpublished).
5. ‘A Murder in Antalya’ / ‘Antalya’da Bir Cinayet’ (unpublished )
6. ‘He Was Like Subtitles of the Silence’ / ‘Sessizliğin Altından Geçen Altyazı Gibiydi’ by Pın ar Çekirge. - Popüler
Psikiyatri Journal November – December 2011 Volume 64 / Popüler Psikiyatri Derg isi Kasım – Aralık 2011 Sayı 64
7. Honorary Credential Fie ld Education International Award of Hard Working Bees , Beijing / CHINA
8. Honorary Credential Uğu r Schools Konyaaltı Campus Certificate of Achievement, Antalya / TURKEY
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)