Ведущий программист С#/C++
Rashid Amad
50 лет (20 Мая 1974)
IT Manager, IT Poject Manager.
Software / Web / Database Developer.
Healthcare IT and Clinical Applications.
C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net, MVC, API, Entity Framework.
Authentication, Dependency Injection, Code/DB Fisrt.
Phone : + 92(0)3175484879
Whats App : + 92(0)3216583228
Email : mrakftech@gmail.com
~ Master of Computer Science.
~ BIIT (Japan).
~ ITIL-4 Foundation.
~ Dot Net Core Developer.
Unique combination of skills that blend Tech & Mgmt expertise with a robust commercial acumen
IT Specialist with Master of Computer Science (MCS)
degree and 15+ years experience :
★ IT Infrastructure Project Management.
★ Software / Web / Database Development.
★ Applications QA/QC Analyst and Systems Admin.
★ ERP Systems Development.
★ Healthcare Informatics Integration Mirth Connect.
★ eSports , eCommerce , Video Streaming Dev.
Higher Education :
Master of Computer Science , Virtual University of Pakis tan .
0 8.2011–0 8.2013
Graduation with Computer Studies, University of the Punjab , Pakistan .
Other Qualifications :
0 9.2021
Certification - ITIL 4 Foundation ( Information Technology Infrastructure Library v 4 ).
1 2.2 015
I E LT S - I n te rn atio nal E n glis h L a n gu age T e stin g ( 6 B an ds), A EO C en tr e , P akis ta n .
0 4.0 2–0 8.0 2
B usin ess I n nova tio n b y I T – A O TS, T o kyo , J a p an o n f u ll s c h o la rs h ip ( C R M & S C M ).
2 001-2 002
C ertif ic a tio ns ( C CN A a n d A +), T ra in in g o nly ( M CSE ) f r o m N ETS I n stit u te , P akis ta n .
IT / Technical Skills :
( GitHub Profile : https://github.com/mrakftech )
- Servers : WIN Server 2019 (DC/AD), SQL Server, SSMS, AZURE, CentOS-8 (Linux).
- Web Servers : MS-IIS10, NGINX, NodeJs, Apache, XAMP, WAMP.
- Databases : MSSQL, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Google Firebase, Crystal Reports.
- Web Dev : Wordpress, Umbraco, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap.
- OpenSource : OpenEMR, OpenDental, OpenTicket, OpenCart, ERPNext Dev.
- VMWare, PostMan, MS Project, Visio, Radiology and Dental Softwares.
Work Experience :
Senior Software Eng, WhetStonez Software (Lahore).
Lead Software Development Team (.Net Core) for eSports Web Application Development.
Developed eSport Streaming Web Application like Twitch TV for Live Video Streaming of Games.
Developed PMS and provided technical support to GIB and MEEM Banks for Website Maintenance.
Developed and Managed Educational ERP systems for some Pakistani and Saudi Arabia Schools.
Senior Technical Consultant, RL Datix (USA), KSA.
Provided 2nd Tier Technical Support to MEA region’s Hospitals (KFHS, DHA, JHAH, SEHA, NGHA).
Deployment of Healthcare Incident Management Applications (Datix-Web, RL6, DCIQ-Cloud).
Integration and Validation of HL7, XML, JSON messages using Mirth Connect Integration Engine.
Responsible for managing and updating Client’s App, Database and Integration servers remotely.
Senior IT Consultant, Diamond Engineering, KSA.
(worked for GASGI (Defence Ministry), KSA Govt).
Developed Web Apps for Height and Geoid Transformations (https://gds.gcs.gasgi.sa).
Responsible for developing and Testing the Software and Web Applications.
Responsible for providing IT Consultancy for IT Infrastructure (Servers, Cloud and Networks).
Developed and maintained Technical User Manuals, Technical Data Flow Diagrams and guidelines.
Trained GASGI Govt. Staff to operate new or modified desktop programs and web applications.
Responsible for Conducting weekly internal IT meetings and reporting to Senior Managers.
Responsible for Deployment of Latest software versions and updates / patches for Workstations.
12.2018౼03.2019 IT Projects (Program) Manager, Mega Mind IT Solutions.
(Saudi German Hospital Group, Saudi Arabia)
Responsible for new IT Projects Planning, Execution, M&C and Closing in all over KSA.
Responsible for providing Technical Consultancy and Support in running projects in KSA.
Installed and configured DICOM + PACS (Paxera Ultima360) Server in new SGH Dammam.
Developed Web Portal to view Project’s status with online reporting for Top management.
Senior IT Manager / Consultant, Samadent Medical, KSA.
Responsible for Planning, Execution, Closing Healthcare
IT Projects for Hospitals and Clinics.
Responsible for deployment of Medical Software, Servers, Updates/Patches, Data Backups/Restore.
Responsible for Application’s support - Dental Practice Management, Hospital Info Systems (HIS), DICOM+PACS, OpenEMR, Medoxis EMR/EHR, SmartDent (Client), QuickVision.
Developed and managed company website http://samadentmedical.ihostfull.com.
Deployed Dental X-Ray unit (Samsung Ray-Scan) with Server and Workstation in Clinics in Riyadh.
Deployed networking with GE-CIC software and Fetal dopplers in Children Maternity Hosp, Hail, KSA.
Successfully completed Project for GE Healthcare. Installation of GE Telemetry (Wireless) Patient Monitoring System (128 WL Antennas, Apex Server, CIC SW) in new Hammadi Nozah Hospital in Riyadh.
Responsible for reviewing client business requirements, processes, re-engineering the client’s business processes to improve performing tasks efficiency.
02.2012౼03.2016 IT / Technology Manager, GGE, Lahore, Pakistan.
Responsible for deploying IT Solutions / Softwares and provided technical support to Clients.
Responsible for designing and implementing IT Infrastructure according to Client's requirements.
Provided Software Trainings to Doctors and Medical Staff to operate medical softwares efficiently.
Ensured availability of system resources and data security through regular periodic recovery backups.
Responsible for Application’s support and deployment - Radiology Software, Hospital Info Systems (HIS), DICOM+PACS, OpenEMR, EMR/EHR, Ultrasound Imaging Management and Reporting Software.
IT / Technical Manager, KIPS, Lahore, Pakistan.
Deployed Data Loss Prevention and Anti-Malware solutions in 100+ Academy branches.
Responsible for designing, deploying and monitoring IT Infrastructure (Hardware / Networking / Servers / IT Security, IP surveillance equipment and software, and Biometric devices) for 100+ Academy branches.
Lead development of Student Registration and Fee Management Software for KIPS institute.
Managed IT staff by recruiting, training and coaching employees and appraising their performance.
Projects - Web Developments (solely designed and developed by me) :
➢ https://mavenx.gg/home
eSport & Streaming Web (twitch.tv Clone).
➢ https://techsols.tech
Techsols Company Website.
➢ https://www.techsols.tech/bestpharma
Online Pharmacy Management Web App
Projects Finished for Saudi Arabia :
➢ https://gds.gasgi.gov.sa
Saudi GASGI (Semi Gov) Website.
➢ http://samadentmedical.ihostfull.com
Medical Company Website (Saudi Arabia)
➢ https://alwadi.imanage-school.com
Alwadi School Management (Saudi Arabia)
➢ https://cws.imanage-school.com Children World School Mgmt (Saudi Arabia)
➢ http://techsols.byethost7.com/acc
Open Source Accounting Web App.
Previous Finished Projects :
➢ https://www.kips.edu,pk
Institutional Website for Kips Academies.
➢ http://kftech.byethost22.com
KF TECH Company Website.
➢ https://ieducon.wixsite.com/studyabroad
Study Abroad Company Website.
➢ https://hyper-cognition.blogspot.com
Blog Creation for One Client.
➢ http://techsols.byethost7.com/inv/index.php
Online Invoice Management System
➢ http://techsols.byethost7.com/hrm
Open Source HR Management System
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)