Помощник руководителя
40 000 руб
43 года (22 Июня 1981)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
17 лет 3 месяца
Duties and responsibilities:
- working with documentation (internal and external circulation of documentation)
- being in charge of reception and allocation of telephone calls (mini station)
- translating of office documentation from/to English
- planning and organizing of meetings and negotiations of the Manager
- organizing teleconferencing
- booking of air-tickets and hotels for official trips
- being in charge of reception and allocation of post mail
- working with all office equipment (fax machine, printer, scanner, copy-machine)
- printing of office documentation
- organizing official receptions
- controlling for proper delivery of financial invoices and bills
- coordinating the office work
- organizing and participating in exhibitions, arranging the exhibition place Duties and responsibilities of the Legal Assistant:
- compiling contracts, protocols of disputes, amendments, and other legal documentation
- working with contracting agencies
- coordinating actions with the local self-administration bodies
In addition executing duties of the Office Manager
-maintaining the office records management and working with the database
2007 — продолжаю учиться
2003 — продолжаю учиться
1. Computer courses at the Faculty of Mathematics of the North Ossetian State University
English language. Operating office equipment: telephone mini-station, printer, scanner, copy-machine, fax machine Goal-seeking, high abilities for inter-personal communication and work in the team, excellent level of adaptation to the multi-cultural environment, high motivation to education and effective perception of new information, responsibility, punctuality Decision-making capability, effective organizing of the working process, proficiency and wish for career growth, for education and coaching.
23 сентября, 2010
30 000 руб
Москва local_shipping
39 лет (19 марта 1985)
Опыт работы:
20 лет
Последнее место работы:
Ассистент производственного департамента, ОАО "Русские Традиции"
06.2008 - по текущее время
13 августа, 2009
31 000 руб
4 апреля, 2016
30 000 руб
Резюме размещено в отрасли