Специалист по охране труда (Египет)
Artemov Ilia Alekseevich
Male, 32 years old, born July 25, 1989
Tel№. 01028974749
Desired position
Information technology, Internet, telecom * Engineer Employment: part-time, full-time Work schedule: remote work, flexible working, full-time, shift work Desired travel time to work: doesn't matter
Work experience:
March 2018-april 2021 3 years 2 months
Municipal unitary enterprise " Zhilishchnik G. O. Khimki"
Engineer of the 1st category
Apartment buildings
April 2017 -- March 2019 2 years
Federal Bailiff Service
Russia, www.fssprus.ru/
Government organizations
* Government organizations
Financial sector
* Collection activities
Taking measures for the timely, complete and correct execution of executive documents;
familiarization of the parties with the materials of the enforcement proceedings;
consideration of the parties ' statements regarding the enforcement proceedings and their petitions, making relevant decisions, explaining the terms and procedure for their appeal;
receiving and processing personal data;
implementation of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses;
distribution of cash received by enforcement proceedings;
participation in court sessions and others.
August 2007-July 2014 7 years
Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city district of Khimki
Making statements about a crime, making decisions on the collected materials, initiating criminal cases, conducting an inspection of the crime scene, interrogating witnesses, searching and collecting evidence, conducting criminal investigations and sending instructions on the production of certain investigative and operational measures to other bodies, participating in court sessions, making decisions on criminal cases and sending these cases to court, and other duties provided for by law.
Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow Faculty of Training of Investigators
Knowledge of languages
Russian advanced, English good.
Driving experience
Motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks,
Additional information
Custom skills
Search for information on the Internet, execution of personal orders of the head, knowledge of criminal law, document management, high speed printing, office work, work with a large amount of information, business communication, control of decisions and execution of orders of the head, negotiation, competent speech, personnel management, ability to work in a team, an experienced PC user, also understand cars (driving, repair, maintenance), have experience in installing and configuring multimedia, good physical training (I have knowledge of self-defense techniques).
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)