Переводчик английского языка
Curriculum vitae
6/20, 60 Let Oktyabrya, 694620 Kholmsk (Russia)
Sex Female | Date of birth 7 Nov 1984
Oct 2018–Present
Head Teacher
KABEN school, Kholmsk (Russia)
- Plan, develop and implement appropriate curriculum;
- Maintain regular communication with parents and staff regarding students’ progress;
- Assist and support other teaching staff in implementing daily programs;
- Organize and provide teacher trainings.
Sep 2017–Oct 2018
English language teacher
School #1, Uglegorsk (Russia)
-teach primary and secondary school children;
- write a syllabus, teaching plan according to the given high school programme;
- organize and provide English extra curricular courses
Nov 2016–Sep 2017
English language tutor/ translator, Naryn (Kyrgyzstan)
- provide an individual and group lessons;
- manage with course-dealing documentation;
- offer English-Russian and vice versa translation services
10 Oct 2013–5 Feb 2015
Senior specialist
Naryn State University, International Relations Office, Naryn (Kyrgyzstan)
- Coordinate international educational programs;
- Public Relations;
- Project writing;
- Drafting and negotiating co-operation agreements;
- Working out training programs;
- Organize trainings for university staff and students;
- Consultations and overall support for university community on international educational programs
(application procedures);
- Visa and country consultations for staff and students go abroad;
- Documentation translation
- Writing monthly reports on the work done.
Oct 2010–Feb 2015
Project assistant
Erasmus Mundus TOSCA II project, Naryn (Kyrgyzstan)
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Curriculum vitae Eleonora Sydykova
- Information dessimination (in social nets, local mass media, presentations)
- General consultations on procedures of the program;
- Visa consultation;
- Project documentation translation;
- Writing weekly reports on project activities;
9 Feb 2009–10 Oct 2013
International Relations Office, Naryn (Kyrgyzstan)
- To correspond with partners;
- Information dissemination;
- Consultations on project writing;
- Translation;
- Writing monthly reports on progress.
1 Sep 2012–Present
Higher education teaching professional
International Master Center, Naryn State University, Naryn City (Kyrgyzstan)
- Deliver lectures on:
- Project Management,
- PR-Management,
-Business Communication,
-Anticrisis management,
- Business negotiation courses;
- Work out syllabuses, educational and methodological complex of the courses;
Sep 2006–Nov 2008
Teaching professional
Secondary school No.19, Jalalabad (Kyrgyzstan)
- To teach 6th-11th form students to English language;
- Work out educational and training programs;
- Organize English language conversation clubs;
- Organize report lessons;
OSCE/ODHR short- term observers assistant
OSCE/ODHR, Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Kyrgyz Republic, Naryn
- Provide simultaneous interpretation from/to English from/to Russian/Kyrgyz during the elections;
- To assist observers to identify election frauds at the polling stations.
Sep 2009–Jul 2011
Master of Arts in Economic Sciences
International Master Center, Naryn State University
- Economics and Management;
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Curriculum vitae Eleonora Sydykova
- PR - Management;
- Project Management;
- Marketing;
- Using computer technologies;
- Banking.
Teacher of English Language and Literature, Diploma with honor
Faculty of Foreign Languages, Naryn State University, Naryn (Kyrgyzstan)
-English language and literature;
-German language as a second language;
-Practical knowledge on training future English teachers;-Texts translations;-Scientific research and
28 Jan 2014–22 Mar 2014
Innovative Leadership for Organization Growth and Excellence
National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD),
Noida (India)
▪ Leadership – types and styles;
▪ Creativity, Innovation and Excellence;
▪ Motivating people for Excellence, Personal Effectiveness, Interpersonal Relationship, Influencing;
▪ Developing performing team;
▪ Managing Conflict;
▪ Corporate Social Responsibility
▪ Training methods and etc.
5 Nov 2013
Generation of Social Ideas
University of Central Asia, Naryn (Kyrgyzstan)
21 May 2013–18 Jun 2013
Staff training in Adam Mickievich University of Poznan, Poland and
University of Boras, Sweden
Erasmus Mundus TOSCA II project
- Internationalization in Higher Education;
- Educational administration;
- Quality work;
- Flexible learning and distance education;
- Entrepreneurship and cooperation with business and entreprise;
- Research areas of University Boras.
27 Apr 2013
Academic Writing for Research
US Embassy
13 Nov 2012–16 Nov 2012
Organization of efficient work of international departments in
Education Network, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
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Curriculum vitae Eleonora Sydykova
Mother tongue(s)
Foreign language(s)
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
Russian C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
English C1 C2 C1 C1 C2
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills
Good commincation skills gained throuth the work with people of different cultural and religious
backgrounds, different gender and diverse political views, while working as an individual entrepreneur
and participating at the international conferences: "WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS-CHALLENGES
AND EMERGING OPPORTUNITIES" 20-21 March,2014, Noida, India
and in "Eurasian Insights" conference and Central Asian Days, 14- 16, June, 2013, Poznan, Poland
Organisational / managerial skills
▪ Leadership and organizational skills gained through:
- the position of a director at private school BILIMKANA Naryn;
- being an entrepreneur;
- organizing seminar and train 40 young women of Naryn region on "Woman- Career, reproductive
health and beauty";
- organising seminars for members of FORUM Enlish language teachers acossiation in Naryn
(English language teachers);
Job-related skills
- OSCE/ODHR STO assistant from 2005 to 2012 in each Presidential and Parliamentary elections in
Kyrgyz Republic;
- conference/trainings/workshops organizational skills;
- procurement skills;
- work with documentation - invoicess, contacts, business letters;
- good communication skills;
- can work with data base;
Digital skills
processing Communication Content
creation Safety Problem-
Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Basic user Independent user
Digital skills - Self-assessment grid
Good command of MOffice programs, Internet.
Современное состояние малого и среднего в Кыргызстане.//Вестник НГУ, Нарын, 2011/ Modern
conditions of medium and small-scale business.
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26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)