Переводчик (медицина, фармацевтика английский язык)
Cover Letter
Dear Sir or Madam,
I found your ad concerning a translator position on the hh.ru website.
I have 3 years of experience working as English-Russian and Russian-English translator. Currently I work as a translator for Raifarm company (raifarm.com) translating documents concerning pharmaceutical products (Drug Manufacture Inspections, Clinical Study Reports, Cytotoxicity Assay, CAPA Report, etc.). My previous job was in Align Technology, LLC (USA), a company manufacturing medical devices. I also lived and worked in the USA for 7 years for such companies as American Airlines, Chicago Board of Options Exchange, Amtrak. I was a programmer and a business analyst there.
I have a certificate as a technical translator and TOEFL. I studied and worked in the USA for 7 years.
My background in translation also includes several years of cooperation with publishing house (издательство технической литературы ). They issued 3 books in my translation. You can find the information about it at the Russian State Library website: https://search.rsl.ru/ru/search#q=Пер. Е. Молодцова
- Мюллер, Роберт Дж. Базы данных и UML : Проектирование / Роберт Дж. Мюллер ; [Пер. Е. Молодцова].
- Дастин, Элфрид. Автоматизированное тестирование программного обеспечения : Внедрение, управление и эксплуатация / Элфрид Дастин, Джефф Рэшка, Джон Пол ; [Пер. Е. Молодцова]
- Введение в Active Server Pages 3.0 / Крис Алман, Дэвид Бьюзер, Джон Дакетт [и др.]; [Пер. Е. Молодцова].
As for my formal education, I have a bachelor degree in computer science. I graduated from Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation with distinctions. I also studied at the department of social professions and earned a translator certificate there. Besides, I have my TOEFL certificate. I graduated from the two years' general English courses and 1 year course of the oral one. I also attended English class at the Texas University in Austin and the British Council in Moscow, etc.
Please, let me know if you find my information to be of a certain value for the translator position in your company.
I will send you my CV then.
Best regards,
Elena Molodtsova
+7 (916) 703-96-32
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)