Переводчик английского языка
Name: Dina Kuanshkaliyeva
Citizenship Kazakhstan
Telephone: +7 777 424 4824 (personal)
Date of birth: February 8, 1972
Marital status: Married
E-mail: Diaquarius@mail.ru
Education: Higher education diploma
Uralsk State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Foreign Languages
Qualification: Teacher of English and German
Specialty: Foreign Languages
March 2007- up to present - Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V., Kazakhstan
February 2017 up to present
Position: Technical Translator
Directorate: Project Development, Uralsk
Work schedule: 5/2
Key responsibilities:
● Translation of the Project related documentation, written and verbal, full and brief translations of the materials and correspondence, Interpreter role for the department Managers and specialists during the business and working meetings.
● Responsible for the conveying the exact meaning, style and lexical content of texts and conversations, maintaining established terminology and definitions. Clarification and unification of the terminology, definitions and conceptions in the texts as specific for the industry and Project Department itself.
● Participation in preparation of reports/minutes of meetings and negotiations held, keeping the required records and preparation of technical documentation. Providing confidentiality of the documentation content and subject of negotiations. Keeping electronic database of the translated material, keeping quick search of the documents in the translation system.
April 2011- Feb 2017 - Safety & Asset Integrity Controllership at KPO B.V.
Position: Administration Coordinator
Reported to: S &AI Controller
Department: Corporate Safety
Work schedule: 5/2
Key responsibilities:
● Ensuring the documents accurate composition and timely preparation for further approval by the manager; keeping the correspondence log for the incoming/outgoing documents, paper filing-up/ archiving.
● Coordination of the department office materials or services supply, control over the housekeeping services, ensuring provision of the required stationeries and proper condition of the office equipment.
● Keeping records of the personnel working time (due-to-date collection of individual timesheets, generating and further release of monthly timesheets in SAP system. Collection, raise and registration of the personnel administration papers, i.e. sick-lists, memorandums etc.)
● Travel coordination of the department personnel, raising TRR's. Preparation of the relative documents referring to business, training & rotation trips: expenditures, financial reports of expenses. Interact with the Finance department.
● Admin arrangements for visitors, liaise with General services, Transport and Travel departments. Coordination of Controllership vehicles pool and drivers.
● Raising catering/accommodation/training requests for the department staff and visitors, calculation of the services total sum as per contracts conditions.
● Booking meeting rooms, sending meeting requests upon the Manager's request and behalf.
● PPE Forecasts timely preparation and submission. Liaise with the department Safety Support team.
● IT/Telecom equipment & software forecasts preparation.
● Initiation and participation in Administration meetings within the controllership admin pool on a quarterly basis.
Starting May 2010 Corporate QHSE Department of KPO B.V.
Position: Senior Translator/Interpreter
Reported to: KPO QHSE Controller
Work schedule: 28/28 rotation
Key responsibilities:
● Organization, supervision and coordination of the department translators work ensuring quality and timeliness.
● Responsible for the day-to-day management of all English-Russian, Russian- English translations and organizing rational distribution of the workload among the translators.
● Liaising with other Company departments for the purpose of the technical aspects clarification. Standing as a final authority for the terminology and accuracy of translations by review and proof-reading for consistency, completeness and accuracy.
● Rendering advisory and practical assistance to the Department translators in terminology, stylistics and other aspects of the translation activities.
● Arranging junior staff on-job training based on theoretical training materials, e.g. translation techniques, special literature and technical documents available within the Department.
● Keeping and updating the translation log database on a regular basis and providing reports when requested.
● Developing glossaries of the Department and project terms to ensure the use of uniform terminology throughout the Company and avoiding misinterpretation or misunderstanding.
September 2009- KPO B.V. Karachaganak Processing Complex (KPC plant)
May 2010 Maintenance Department of Production & Maintenance (P&M)
Position: Technical Interpreter/Translator.
Reported to: KPC Maintenance Superintendent
Work schedule: 14/14 rotation
Key Responsibilities:
● Translation for Maintenance Dept. of KPC P&M in 3 areas: Electrical, Mechanical and
● Interpreting at the daily/monthly meetings arranged by MTCE department, keeping minutes of meetings.
● Compilation and translation of daily activities report based on data received from separate MTCE divisions.
Administrative duties:
Raising-up general services requests for stationeries/furniture, ensuring office equipment proper condition; Employment Forms, IT requests (for PC User account, hardware or software installation), PPE requests and keeping PPE issue database. Arranging trunk radios repair. Memorandums for training/overtime, business trips etc. Petty cash advance requests and expenditure reports.
Documents archiving.
March 2007-Sept. 2009: KPC Main Control Room Incident Command Centre Production Dept.
Reported to: KPC Plant Manager.
● Translations related to the whole plant activities in three Production units: Oil plant/Gas plant/Utilities.
● Interpreting at closed production meetings and meetings held with state authorities.
● Acting as an emergency communication operator in KPC Main Control Room Incident Command Centre (MCR ICC). Operating personnel announcement system (PAS) in the event of any emergency/drill exercises/ process facilities testing. Interacting with Gas Rescuer Team/Fire Brigade/ HSE department; communicating direct instructions given by the on-scene commander to the parties involved into emergency response being responsible for the clear delivery of information;
● Keeping database of emergency/drill events; ensuring PAS proper condition.
● Regular updаtеof personnel-on-board bulletins;
● Preparation of PPE and stationery requests/memorandums for training/overtime etc.
● Interpreter/ translator support to Main Control Room and Plant personnel;
● Registration of the based behavioral safety observation cards in Synergi programme (BBS cards).
October 2006- March 2007- Schlumberger Logelco Inc. branch office in Aksai
Position: Office Administrator.
Reported to: Branch Manager
Work schedule: 5/2
Key activities:
● Registration and check-up of invoices as per contracts and performed work scope, invoice database keeping, invoice registration via "Lawson" -Schlumberger accounting sowftware; initiating Purchase Orders and control over due- to-date payment. Handling with incoming correspondence, keeping minutes of meetings.
● Travel coordination. Preparation of Travel Authorisation Forms (TAFs), flights booking,
interfacing with travel agencies; visa application, dropoff/pickup arrangement from/to
airports, hotel reservation at destination points in Kazakhstan.
●Vehicles administration. Periodic vehicles registration in State Traffic Inspection Department, tax payment. Transport coordination.Preparation of Journey Management forms.
● Registration of foreign personnel in migration department. Creating and keeping up personnel files.
● General office administration:
Control over office materials supply and proper condition of office equipment.
Keeping records of personnel work time, time sheets preparation, submission for approval and ensuring their delivery to the accounting department in Atyrau.
Control over electricity, heating and water supply system, stationery provision, etc.
October 2005-October 2006 - Nalco Ltd., Kazakhstan Branch, Aksai
Position: Technical Translator/Interpreter
Reported to: Branch Manager
Work schedule: 5/2
Key activities:
● Translation of the company and branch related documents, chemical specifications, papers on oil and gas chemical treatment process, business correspondence, training manuals for handling chemicals.
● interpreting at meeting both inside the company and with local authorities and subcontractors, during site visits.
June 2003- KPO B.V. Training & Development Centre (TDC), Aksai
August 2005:
Position: Technical Interpreter/Translator
Reported to: TDC HSE Training Coordinator
Work schedule: 28/28 rotation
Key activities:
● Compilation and translation of the training material for HSE courses: (H2S Basic and
Recertification Courses, Base Behavioral Safety, Authorized Gas Tester, Permit to Work, Gas Hazardous Areas or Confined Space entry, Basic Fire Prevention Course);
● Interpreting at training courses
● interpreting at meeting with contractors and state representatives
● Translation of the distant learning course for Supervisory staff (Supervisor Management Program) including participants' written assignments and feedbacks sent by mentors based in the UK.
● Keeping correspondence related to HSE training courses and booking the nominated students, office papers filing. Training certificates issue. Operating the badge issuing machine and reports preparation.
Business trips:
● April-May, July 01-18, 2004
KPO Pump Station in Bolshoi Chagan (Uralsk) & Terminal in Atyrau to work as Interpreter for KPO. and KazTransOil personnel during Technical & HSE training courses.
● February 01-14, 2004 -Milan, Italy- ENI Chemical Laboratory- interpreting at training courses for KPO B.V. Chemical Laboratory staff.
August 2002- June 2003: "AksaiGasService" OJSC, West-Kazakhstan, Aksai
Position: English translator/interpreter
Reported to: General Director
Key activities:
● Translation of contracts, tender documentation, financial accounts and reports, job descriptions, safety documentation, bidding documents, price offers for provided services, memorandums, accounts, invoices, etc.; company provided services description (earthworks, concrete works, fabrication and installation of equipment, weld works, pipe-works), translation of diagnostic, engineering & safety documentation, organizational charts, technical specifications of materials and equipment;
● Interpreting at the meetings with customer representatives (KPO B.V), contactors and sub-
September 2001 - West-Kazakhstan Academy of Humanities, Uralsk
August 2002: Translators/Interpreters Department
Position: Senior Teacher of English.
Responsibilities: Verbal and Written English/ Lexicology/ Phraseology/ Translating &
Interpreting Techniques for senior students.
October 1994- February 1996: Secondary School No9, Uralsk
Position: Teacher of German/English for senior students
Additional training: Italian course for beginners in European School of Education
by Correspondence, piano school
Computer Literacy: MS office (Word, Excel, Power point), Synergy, SAP, Internet.
Languages: Russian, Kazakh, English, elementary German. Italian- beginner
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)