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Document authored by: Paul Maurer
Document version: 1.0 (06/2011)
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs,
but in making this a better product.
Native Instruments GmbH
Schlesische Str. 28
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© Native Instruments GmbH, 2011. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents1Introduction .............................................................................................................. 62Quickstart ................................................................................................................. 8 2.1Basic Navigation ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.2Editing the Drums ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1Fine-Controlling Individual Drums and Articulations ................................................. 8 2.2.2Changing the Snare ................................................................................................... 9 2.2.3Creating a Mix ........................................................................................................... 9 2.2.4Adding and Removing Drums .................................................................................... 10 2.2.5Preset Handling ......................................................................................................... 113The Performance View ............................................................................................... 13 3.1Kit Page ...................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.1OH and ROOM MIX Knobs ........................................................................................... 15 3.1.2TUNE Knob ................................................................................................................. 16 3.1.3ATTACK, HOLD and DECAY Knobs ............................................................................... 16 3.2Mixer Page .................................................................................................................................. 16 3.2.1Common Mixer Controls ............................................................................................. 18 3.2.2CLOSE MICS Area ....................................................................................................... 18 3.2.3KIT MICS/BUSES Area ................................................................................................ 18 3.2.4Effects ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.5Channel Settings ....................................................................................................... 23 3.3Grooves Page .............................................................................................................................. 24 3.4Options Page .............................................................................................................................. 27 3.4.1VELOCITY Settings ..................................................................................................... 28 3.4.2MIDI Mapping ............................................................................................................ 29 3.4.3RANDOMIZE Settings ................................................................................................. 304Kit Selection ............................................................................................................. 31 Table of Contents
5Drum Articulations ..................................................................................................... 32 5.1Session Kit .................................................................................................................................. 32 5.2Stadium Kit ................................................................................................................................ 35 5.3Garage Kit .................................................................................................................................. 376Credits ...................................................................................................................... 41 Table of Contents
STUDIO DRUMMER is an acoustic drum library that gives you premium drum kits, a top of
the line studio sound, full mixing control with high quality effects, and a huge selection of
MIDI grooves covering a variety of popular music genres. It gives you everything you need
to create the perfect drum tracks for all kinds of productions.
Three top tier drum kits were recorded: a Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit, a Pearl Mas
ters Premium Maple kit, and a Sonor SQ2 Drum System kit. Just about every articulation
was played on the various drums and cymbals and recorded with up to 25 velocity layers
and up to six variations per same-velocity hit. Each kit has up to 18 microphones that can be mixed separately, including many direct mics, a mono and stereo overhead set of mics,
and room mics to capture the ambient sound of the various recording spaces in the studio.
The drums were recorded at Teldex Studio in Berlin, Germany, world renown for legendary
classical recordings as well as many other styles for several decades. Their famous record ing hall as well as state of the art equipment and highly skilled professional engineers provided the perfect setting to record the STUDIO DRUMMER library.
From left to right: the mixing desk at Teldex Studio Berlin, Germany, with the Yamaha kit visible in the background; the
Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit set up in the live room; the Sonor SQ2 Drum System kit, set up for recording. Introduction
Document Conventions
This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of informa tion can be expected:
Whenever this exclamation mark icon appears, you should read the corresponding note care
fully and follow the instructions and hints given there if applicable.This light bulb icon indicates that a note contains useful extra information. This information
may often help you to solve a task more efficiently, but does not necessarily apply to the set
up or operating system you are using; however, it's always worth a look.Furthermore, the following formatting is used:
▪ Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open… , Save as… etc.) and paths to
locations on your hard drive or other storage devices is printed in
italics .
▪ Text appearing elsewhere on the screen (labels of buttons, controls, text next to
checkboxes etc.) is printed in
light blue . Whenever you see this formatting applied, you
will find the same text appearing on the screen.
▪ Important names and concepts are printed in bold .
▪ References to keys on your computer's keyboard you'll find put in square brackets
(e.g., "Press [Shift] + [Return]").
► Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.
→ Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.
STUDIO DRUMMER is a KONTAKT Instrument; you will, therefore, have to have KON
TAKT or the free KONTAKT PLAYER installed on your computer in order to use this instrument. Refer to the KONTAKT / KONTAKT PLAYER documentation to learn how to load and
configure KONTAKT Instruments.
In this chapter, you will find a quick guide to navigating the controls of STUDIO DRUMMER, as well as step by step guides to certain functions.
2.1Basic Navigation The interface has four main pages of control. You can navigate among these pages by
clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the instrument's Performance View. The different pa ges and their uses are as follows:
▪ Grooves page : On this page is a browser of many genre-separated MIDI grooves and
fills with variations that can be dragged to your host for immediate song creation.
▪ Options page : This page has options for technical kit settings such as kit mapping and
velocity options, as well as randomization parameters.
▪ Kit page : You can sеlесteach drum on this page to adjust the overhead and room mix
es, tuning, and volume envelopes for those drums. You can also sеlесtwhich snare you want to use, as well as load and unload the separate kit pieces.
▪ Mixer page : This page has all of the standard controls for an audio mixer, including
levels, panning, solo, mute, send levels and channel routing. This is also where all ef fect settings and effect routing options are edited.
The four navigation tabs at the bottom of the Performance View2.2Editing the Drums 2.2.1Fine-Controlling Individual Drums and Articulations To change the individual kit piece's sound settings and articulations:
1. Click on the Kit tab.
2. To edit the settings for a particular drum or cymbal, just click on its picture. Percus
sion is selected from a sub-menu of icons next to the drum kit image.
3. To change the overhead and room mix amounts for each piece, adjust the correspond
OH MIX and ROOM MIX knobs.
4. To аltеrthe tuning, adjust the TUNE knob.
Quickstart Basic Navigation
5. To change the volume envelope of the selected piece, you can adjust the ATTACK , HOLD
and DECAY with the respective knobs.
A typical drum's control panel2.2.2Changing the Snare Each kit has alternate snares to choose from. To change the snare:
1. Click on the Kit tab.
2. Click on the snare drum image.
3. Click on the A or B button located underneath the snare drum image to switch be
tween the snares.
4. The snare image will change to indicate the newly selected snare.
Switching between the snares
2.2.3Creating a Mix To create a mix of the kit, click on the Mixer tab. This will give you a virtual mixing console
with many of the same controls you would find on a real mixing desk. Here you can control the volume, pan, mute, solo, and routing of the various tracks. You can also add many cus
tomizable effects to all channels.
Quickstart Editing the Drums
A typical channel on the Mixer page
You can also adjust the levels of the in, out, and sub mics on the kick, the top and bottom mic on the snare, and the amount of snare mic bleed when the kick and toms play.
Additional controls for the Kick and Snare channels
2.2.4Adding and Removing Drums If you will not be using a particular drum, cymbal or percussion instrument, you can re
move it from the kit, thus freeing up more computer memory. To do this:
1. Click on the Kit tab.
Quickstart Editing the Drums
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 10
2. Select the instrument that you want to remove.
3. Click on the small memory chip icon above the instrument name at the bottom left of
the page.
4. A drop-down menu will appear, giving you the option to add or remove the instrument
from the kit with
Load Instrument and Unload Instrument options. When an instrument
is unloaded, a darkened version of it will rеplасе the original image.
If you unload an instrument, you can always load it back again using the same method.
Unloading an instrument on the Kit page.
2.2.5Preset Handling ► To step through the presets, simply click on the right and left arrows.
► To load a preset, simply sеlесtthe preset from the drop-down menu.
Saving User Presets
You can save presets for the settings of the whole mixer on the Mixer page, as well as kit
mapping layouts on the Options page. Each of these preset menus contains a selection of factory presets and allows you to save your own custom presets. Factory presets cannot be
overwritten (indicated by the darkened
Ø icon), but they can be adjusted and saved as a
new user preset.
To save a user preset:
1. Adjust the settings you want to save and recall for your preset.
2. Click in the text area on the preset drop-down menu.
3. Type in the name for the new preset and click on the Save icon above the drop-down menu.
Quickstart Editing the Drums
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→ The new preset will now appear at the bottom of the drop-down menu and is ready to
be used when opening the kit again.If you save a user preset without changing the name, it will overwrite the current user preset.Removing User Presets
1. To remove a user preset:
2. Select the preset in the drop-down menu.
3. Click on the Ø icon above the drop-down menu.
→ The user preset will be deleted and not be available when opening the kit again.
Quickstart Editing the Drums
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 12
3The Performance View
This chapter describes the Performance View interface of STUDIO DRUMMER. Learn how
to use the functions and controls of the four pages:
Kit , Mixer , Grooves and Options .
3.1Kit Page The Kit page has a view of the drum kit where you can sеlесteach drum and adjust:
▪ the tuning
▪ the volume envelope
▪ the overhead microphone mix
▪ the room microphone mix
You can also choose which snare you want to use, as well as load or unload the selected
The Performance View Kit Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 13
Kit page Performance View of the Stadium Kit
Each drum can be selected by clicking on it with the mouse. This will also play the sound of that drum, giving you a quick preview of the sound (although this can be disabled by
clicking on the speaker icon in the upper left corner). The drums and cymbals can be se lected by clicking on their respective images, and the percussion can be selected by clicking on the icon representations at the right of the kit image. After selecting a drum, the name and controls for that drum will appear in the panel at the bottom of the page. Editing the sound of a selected drum will edit all articulations of that drum.
The Performance View Kit Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 14
Each kit has two snares to choose from. You can sеlесtthe snare you want to use by selecting the snare and then clicking on the
A and B buttons below the snare image. Switch
ing between the snares will unload the current snare from memory and load the other one,
and will change the image of the snare drum.
When the SELECT BY MIDI icon at the upper right of the Kit page is activated, the drums will
be selected depending on the notes played with your MIDI input device.
You can also sеlесtthe kit pieces by using the INSTRUMENT drop-down menu at the left of
the panel at the bottom. There is also an option to load and unload the selected instru
ment from memory by clicking on the small memory chip icon to the right of the
header. This is useful for freeing up computer memory by removing unused kit
pieces. You can always load them back at any time. When a kit piece is unloaded, its im
age turns dark.
The rest of the panel contains the controls for the Overhead (OH) and Room microphone mixes, the drum Tuning, and the volume envelope of the drum with controls for the Attack, Hold, and Decay (AHD envelope).
3.1.1OH and ROOM MIX Knobs
OH MIX and ROOM MIX knobs
The OH MIX and ROOM MIX knobs adjust the volume levels of the Overhead microphone(s) and
the Room microphone(s) of the selected drum. This allows you to create your own custom mix of those microphones for each individual drum, which is not possible in a traditional studio recording.
Please note that this is a separate control from the overall level of the OH and Room mics. These levels can be adjusted on the
Mixer page. The Performance View Kit Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 15
3.1.2TUNE Knob
TUNE knob
The TUNE knob changes the pitch of the selected kit piece. The pitch changes for all micro
phones and all articulations of that piece. The range of the
TUNE knob is limited to values
that are relatively realistic.
3.1.3ATTACK, HOLD and DECAY Knobs
The ATTACK , HOLD and DECAY knobs are controls for a typical AHD volume envelope for each
selected drum.
▪ Increasing the ATTACK value adds more of a fade-in to the beginning of the sound.
▪ The HOLD knob adjusts how long the sound stays at maximum volume.
▪ The DECAY knob adjusts how quickly the sound fades out after the HOLD time has
For the most natural drum sound, the default setting is the best ( ATTACK is off, and HOLD is
at maximum). Adjusting these controls is only necessary if you want to shape the sound in an “unnatural” way.
3.2Mixer Page The Mixer page has the same microphone level and panning controls as a real mixing board,
as well as a large selection of effects and routing controls. You can save and load all mixer
settings by using the
MIXER panel at the upper left of the page. This panel appears on every
The Performance View Kit Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 16
page of STUDIO DRUMMER, in order to sеlесtdifferent mixer page presets while using
other parts of the interface. As each kit has a very different sound, these mixer presets can
only be used for the kit that they are saved with.Mixer page Performance View The Performance View Mixer Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 17
3.2.1Common Mixer Controls ▪ The channel faders on the Mixer page control the volume level of the various micro
. The faders in the CLOSE MICS area control the volume of the individual direct
microphones, and the
KIT MICS faders control the volume of the overhead and room mi
The levels of each instrument within the overhead and room microphones can be adjusted separately, but this is done on the Kit page (see section
↑ 3.1, Kit Page above). ▪ Each close mic and mono kit mic has a PAN knob to change the left and right location
of that mic in the stereo field.
▪ Each stereo kit mic has a WIDTH knob, ranging from MONO to STEREO . STEREO is the
standard setting, where the left and right channels are independent on the left and
right sides. As the knob is turned towards
MONO , the left and right channels are com
bined until they become a single central sound source when the knob is turned all the
way to the left.
▪ The S and M buttons allow you to solo ( S) and mute ( M) the individual channels. When
a track has the Solo button pressed, all other channels are silent and only the soloed channel can be heard. Putting additional channels into solo mode will add those channels into the mix, but still keep all other channels silent. When the mute button is pressed, the selected track can no longer be heard. Mute has a higher “ranking”
than solo, so if a track has both buttons pressed, the track will be muted.
▪ The SEND knob at the top of each channel controls the amount of reverb effect to be
included in the mix for that channel. The global reverb level is adjusted with the re
verb fader in the
BUSES area.
3.2.2CLOSE MICS Area The CLOSE MICS area takes up the left portion of the Mixer page. As the name suggests, this
area contains the
channel controls for the close microphones . The close microphones (also
known as “direct” mics) are placed very close to the drums. There are close microphones for the kick, snare, hi-hat, toms, and some percussion.
3.2.3KIT MICS/BUSES Area The right portion of the Mixer page displays the controls for either the kit microphones or
the busses:
The Performance View Mixer Page
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The Kit Microphones view includes controls for the overhead and room microphones. These
microphones are placed in such a way to record the sound of the entire kit, either with a stereo pair or with a single mono microphone.
The controls in the Buses view are used to adjust the levels of the master output, master
panning and reverb return level.
► To switch between the Kit Microphones and Buses view, click on the BUSES or KIT MICS
button, respectively, both of which are located at the top-right of the Mixer page.
► You can also switch the left and right position of the master out with the L↔ R button on
MASTER channel. All channels are labeled at the bottom, and the labels are highlighted
when editing the channels.
3.2.4Effects Several new high quality effects are included with STUDIO DRUMMER, specifically tail ored for acoustic drum production. These effects are
Convolution Reverb , Solid G-EQ , Solid
Bus Comp
, Tape Saturation , and the Transient Master . Each of these effects can be turned
on or off for any of the channels by clicking on the LED next to each effect name at the
bottom of the page.
Convolution Reverb
Convolution Reverb effect
The Convolution Reverb includes many impulse samples of some of the best acoustic spaces for acoustic drum production.
► To sеlесtan acoustic space , click on the BUSES tab and then click on the Reverb channel.
The various spaces will then appear at the bottom of the screen.
The Performance View Mixer Page
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► To shift the selection over to reveal more room types , click on the room images to the
right and left of the selected image.
► To sеlесtthe room type , click on the drop-down menu above the selected room image.
The drop-down menu below the room image allows you to sеlесta specific room preset
within that room type.
► To adjust the overall level of the reverb , move the fader on the Reverb channel. The
amount of reverb in each channel is adjusted with the
SEND knobs at the top of each mi
crophone channel.
Solid G-EQ
Solid G-EQ effect
The SOLID G-EQ is a uniquely musical EQ. Up to four frequency ranges can be adjusted with high precision.
▪ The HZ /KHZ knobs set the center frequency that is being adjusted with the EQ.
▪ For the two mid frequency ranges, there are Q knobs to adjust the width of the bell
curve for the adjusted frequency range.
▪ The DB knobs adjust the gain boost or gain reduction of the selected frequencies.
▪ The low and the high frequencies can switch between bell curve and shelf modes by
clicking on the
BELL button.
▪ The OUTPUT knob on the right side adjusts the overall output level.
The Performance View Mixer Page
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Solid Bus Comp
Solid B-Compression effect
Also available as a fully-fledged product in its own right, this virtual reproduction of a legendary compressor adds presence and drive to your drums without blurring the detail.
▪ The ATTACK knob adjusts the amount of time in milliseconds that it takes for the com
pressor to reach the ratio after the input signal exceeds the threshold level.
▪ The RELEASE knob adjusts the amount of time in milliseconds that the compressor will
take to stop affecting the sound after the input signal falls below the threshold.
▪ The THRESHOLD knob adjusts the level in dB that the input signal must exceed before
the compressor starts affecting the sound.
▪ The RATIO knob controls the amount of compression expressed as a ratio of “input lev
el” to “output level change”. The higher the
RATIO knob is set, the more the output
level will be reduced as the sound goes beyond the threshold.
▪ The MIX knob allows you to add the dry signal to the mix as well, for a parallel com
pression sound.
▪ The MAKEUP knob allows you to increase the overall output level of the compressed
▪ The OUTPUT knob on the right side adjusts the overall output level.
The Performance View Mixer Page
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Tape SaturatorTape Saturator effect
The Tape Saturator adds the simulated warmth of sound that comes from an analog tape
▪ The WARMTH knob manipulates the frequencies of the audio to give a “warming” tone
to the sound.
▪ The GAIN knob adjusts the amount that the input signal is boosted with the saturated
▪ The HF knob takes away the highest frequencies in a similar way that analog tape rolls
off those high frequencies.
▪ The OUTPUT knob on the right side adjusts the overall output level.
Transient Master
Transient Master effect
The Transient Master can subtly or drastically change the sound of the drums, depending
on how you want to use it.
The Performance View Mixer Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 22
▪ The INPUT knob adjusts the level of the input signal going into the effect.
▪ The ATTACK knob adjusts the level of the attack of the signal.
▪ The SUSTAIN knob adjusts how long the sound will ring out, which can effectively
sound like changing the dampening or the size of the various drums, or even changing
the size of the room that the drums are in.
▪ The OUTPUT knob on the right side adjusts the overall output level.
3.2.5Channel Settings Each channel has its own settings for effect routing and channel output routing, and each
mic channel can also be unloaded from memory if not in use.
Channel Settings view for the Kick Drum
▪ In the FX ROUTING area, there are four different effect routing presets to choose from.
These change the order of which effect comes before the other, depending on your
preference in a mix (for example, some engineers prefer to use EQ before compres
sion, while others prefer to use it after compression). The signal chain of the effects
goes from left to right according to the image, and you can step through the different order presets using the right and left arrows.
▪ The CHANNEL area gives an OUTPUT drop-down menu to sеlесtwhich output that channel
will be routed to. Please note that the channel outputs must first be setup in KON
TAKT before being able to route them here. To unload a channel that is currently not in use from your computer's memory, sеlесtit from the drop-down menu (represented
by a memory chip icon) in the top-right corner of the
CHANNEL area. You can always
load that channel back at any time.
The Performance View Mixer Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 23
Additional Kick and Snare Controls
The Kick and Snare close microphones have additional controls to adjust multiple direct mi
crophone levels:
▪ For the Kick close mic, there is an additional area on the left where you can adjust the
separate levels of the Direct In mic (placed inside the kick drum pointing towards the
front head), the Direct Out mic (placed a short distance outside of the kick drum) and the Direct Sub mic (a special inverted speaker microphone placed next to the Direct Out mic to pick up the sub frequencies of the kick drum).
▪ For the Snare close mic, there is an additional area on the left where you can adjust
the separate levels of the Direct Top mic (placed over the snare drum pointing down),
the Direct Bottom mic (placed under the snare drum pointing up), and the Snare Bleed. The Snare Bleed fader adjusts the amount of the “buzzing” sound that the bottom of a snare produces when resonated by the Kick and Toms.
3.3Grooves Page The Grooves page is a browser with a huge library of organized MIDI grooves that can be
used to quickly create drum parts for a song or production. You can edit several parame ters to change the beats, and all grooves can be dragged into your host.
The GROOVE panel at the top right of the page allows you to play the groove with the play
button, and sеlесtthrough the variations of that groove with the right and left arrow but tons. This panel is available on every page of STUDIO DRUMMER so you can play the
grooves when using any of the other pages.
► To use a groove in your host, click in the area of the groove name and drag the groove
to your track in the host. A MIDI file of the groove will be created in your track.
The Performance View Grooves Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 24
Grooves page Performance View
The GROOVE BROWSER has a total of three соlumns:
▪ The leftmost column shows a list of Genre folders, each with its own set of customized Grooves, Fills and Variations.
▪ The middle column shows the list of Grooves and Fills available for that Genre. The
standard time signature is 4/4, unless otherwise shown in the name of the Groove or
Fill. And the end of each Groove, there is a suggested BPM (beats per minute) tempo to use, but the grooves can be used at any tempo.
The Performance View Grooves Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 25
▪ The rightmost column is a list of all Variations for the selected Groove or Fill. To se
lect a Variation, double click on the variation name. After selecting one variation, you can use the up and down arrows on your computer keyboard to sеlесtamong the var
iations, or the right and left arrows in the
GROOVE panel.
Available Grooves
The 8 Genres included with STUDIO DRUMMER are Pop, Rock, Funk, Jazz, Indie, Metal,
Country, and Blues.
A Groove for a particular Genre is a typical beat that would be used for that genre. Similar ly, a Fill for a particular Genre is a drum fill that would be used in music for that genre. A Variation has the same general sound and feel of the main Groove or Fill, but has some
small changes, ranging from different hi-hat rates to additions of ghost notes to changes of drums used, etc. The different Variations have key words in their names to identify the changes made in a particular variation, which are listed below:
▪ 4th , 8th , 16th , etc.: This represents the note division on which the tempo of the
groove is played or felt. This is usually based on the instrument that is keeping the
time, such as the hi-hat or ride cymbal.
▪ Hat /Ride /Other : This is the instrument that is keeping the time of the groove, typically
a hi-hat or ride cymbal.
▪ Closed /Open /Both : This term is used when a hi-hat is keeping the time, and describes
whether the hi-hat is always closed, always open, or uses both closed and open hits. This term will not be used if a ride cymbal or other instrument is keeping the time.
▪ “Extra”: Sometimes an extra word is added at the end to classify the sound of the
◦ Ghost : This is used when there are additional ghost notes added to the groove, such
as snare or kick ghost hits.
◦ Side : This term is used if a snare sidestick is used instead of a center hit.
◦ Toms : When additional toms are included in the groove, this term will appear.
◦ Perc : If additional percussion sounds are used, which includes extra percussion
such as cowbells or hand claps, as well as “rim only” articulations, then this term
will be used.
◦ Multi : If more than one of the above sounds or techniques is used, then the term at
the end will be Multi to represent multiple types.
The Performance View Grooves Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 26
Groove Controls
▪ The TIGHTNESS knob changes the amount of “groove” in the beat. The center value is
the original sounding played beat. When turned all the way to the right, the beat is completely quantized and “machine-like”. As the knob is turned to the left, the beat
gets more and more loose until it sounds very “sloppy” when turned all the way to the
left. Depending on the type of music, all knob positions can be useful for different
▪ The SWING knob adjusts the amount of swing in the beat. Swing allows for rhythmic
shifting of a groove where the first note in a series plays longer than the one that fol lows. When the knob is all the way to the right, the swing is the most severe. When all the way to the left, a “negative” swing is applied, where the first note in the series is
actually shorter than the one that follows. Different time signatures affect the swing
in different ways, so it is often best just to try the
SWING knob to see how it sounds
with the selected groove.
▪ The GRID selector allows you to sеlесtdifferent quantization timings for the HUMANIZE
and SWING knobs. For example, selecting 1/8 will push the grooves towards or away
from the 8th notes of the beat when using the
▪ The VELOCITY knob changes the range of the velocities in the grooves. At the center po
sition, the groove plays with the same velocities that were recorded with it. As the
knob is turned to the right, the range is “compressed” to the high range so that all velocity values increase until they are all at maximum when the knob is all the way to the right. Similarly, when the knob is turned to the left the velocities are “com
pressed” to the low range until all velocities are the lowest when turning the knob all the way to the left.
▪ The TEMPO selection buttons allow you to immediately change the tempo of the groove
or fill to be half the speed or double the speed of the originals. This can be useful
when a song is recorded at a high BPM tempo, but the feel of the song is actually half of that speed (or vice versa).
3.4Options Page The Options page is where additional “technical” parameters of a kit are adjusted, such as
the MIDI note mapping and velocity ranges. There is also a
RANDOMIZE section where vari
ous sound parameters have random values applied.
The Performance View Options Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 27
Options page Performance View3.4.1VELOCITY Settings The VELOCITY area at the top allows you to fine-tune the way STUDIO DRUMMER responds
to MIDI input:
The Performance View Options Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 28
▪ In the CURVE section you can sеlесta curve for incoming MIDI note velocities. The de
fault is a linear curve, but many MIDI input devices have different levels of sensitivi
ty, making a convex or concave curve more appropriate. There is also an option to se lect a constant “fixed” velocity (represented by a horizontal line).
▪ Utilizing the RANGE controls, you can change the lowest and highest velocity values.
This is useful for preventing the quietest and/or the loudest sounds from playing, and
instead be limited to the specified minimum and maximum. Different MIDI input de
vices, such as MIDI keyboards and electronic drum kits, will also need their own ve locity setting adjustments to match your playing style.
3.4.2MIDI Mapping The MIDI MAPPING section contains all of the controls for changing the mapping layout of the
kits. Each articulation can be assigned to one or more MIDI notes, allowing for your own customized mapping. This is very useful for adjusting the mapping to the way that suits you best when playing the drums with a MIDI keyboard, or for adjusting the mapping to a
custom electronic drum setup.
To assign the MIDI notes manually by entering or selecting the note in the NOTE selector:
1. Select the INSTRUMENT and the ARTICULATION in the drop-down menus.
2. Click on the checkbox next to the APPLY CHANGES? label.
→ The changes will be applied.
You can also click the SELECT BY MIDI icon to change to the NOTE value by playing the MIDI
note, and then following the procedure above to assign the note. All custom MIDI mappings can be saved and loaded from the mapping preset menu.
Mapping Presets
STUDIO DRUMMER also comes with a selection of mapping presets that are set up to
work with popular software and electronic drum setups. These include General MIDI, V- Drums (two options), DrumIt Five, EZDrummer, Superior Drummer, BFD, iMap, and Addic
tive Drums. These mappings can be selected from the
PRESET drop-down menu in the MIDI
area. If you want to make changes to these mappings, you can always do so and
save the mapping preset under a different name.
The Performance View Options Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 29
Please keep in mind that every e-drum setup is different, and almost every drum kit has
some particularities to it. Therefore the mapping presets will not fully match your e-drum setup without any adjustments. These mapping presets have been included to provide you
with the best possible starting point. You can make additional changes to these mappings and save a new preset to fit your e-drum needs.3.4.3RANDOMIZE Settings The controls in the RANDOMIZE area add custom levels of humanization and variation in the
sound output. The higher the value of a knob, the higher the range of randomization for the relevant control. The randomized parameters are:
▪ VOLUME : The volume level of the played drum increases or decreases by a random
amount with each hit.
▪ VELOCITY : The velocity of the played drum will increase or decrease slightly, which can
trigger different samples above or below the one at the original velocity.
▪ TIME : This will add a slight random amount of delay to each hit.
▪ PITCH : The pitch of the played drum will be higher or lower by a slight amount with
each hit.
▪ TONE : This will slightly change the frequency curve of each hit. Different drums have
different frequency ranges, specific to the sound of each drum.
A good way to add even more subtle variation to the sounds in the kit is to change the ran
domization parameters just slightly, especially the
PITCH , TONE and VOLUME knobs. For all
knobs, turning them a maximum of a quarter of the way up will allow the effect to remain subtle. Turning these knobs up to a high value can be used for a more experimental sound. The Performance View Options Page
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 30
4Kit Selection
There are three main kits included in STUDIO DRUMMER, called the “Full” kits. Each of
the kits has two additional versions, “Lite” and “Template”. All of these kits are explained below.
Full Kits
▪ Studio Drummer - Session Kit Full
▪ Studio Drummer - Stadium Kit Full
▪ Studio Drummer - Garage Kit Full
The Full versions of the kits have all samples and microphones included.
Lite Kits
▪ Studio Drummer - Session Kit Lite
▪ Studio Drummer - Stadium Kit Lite
▪ Studio Drummer - Garage Kit Lite
The Lite versions of the kits include all velocity layers, but have no sound variations for
same-velocity hits. This kit has a smaller memory footprint than the Full kits, at the cost of
losing some realism.
Template Kits
▪ Studio Drummer - Session Kit Template
▪ Studio Drummer - Stadium Kit Template
▪ Studio Drummer - Garage Kit Template
The Template versions of the kits start with all of the kit pieces unloaded from memory.
They are based on the Full versions of the kits, and you can add the kit pieces you wish to
include by using the Load/Unload menu at the bottom left of the Kit page (above the name
of the selected instrument).
For the default drum mapping of these kits, please refer to the separate documents “The
Session Kit - Default Mapping”, “The Stadium Kit - Default Mapping” and “The Garage Kit -
Default Mapping”, included with the STUDIO DRUMMER documentation (via the Info but
ton of the Instrument's Library tab in KONTAKT). Kit Selection
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 31
5Drum Articulations
Here is a comprehensive list of all drums and articulations included with each kit.
For the default drum mapping of these kits, please refer to the separate documents “The
Session Kit - Default Mapping”, “The Stadium Kit - Default Mapping” and “The Garage Kit - Default Mapping”, included with the STUDIO DRUMMER documentation (via the Info but
ton of the Instrument's
Library tab in KONTAKT).
5.1Session Kit
DrumArticulationKick DrumDampened
Snare Drum 1 & 2Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Left Hand
Center Right Hand
Halfway Right/Left Alternating *
Halfway Left Hand
Halfway Right Hand
Wires Off
Rim Only
Drum Articulations Session Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 32
DrumArticulationHi-hatClosed Tight Tip Right/Left Alternating *
Closed Tight Tip Right Hand
Closed Tight Tip Left Hand
Closed Tip Right/Left Alternating*
Closed Tip Right Hand
Closed Tip Left Hand
Closed Shank Right/Left Alternating *
Closed Shank Right Hand
Closed Shank Left Hand
Closed Pedal
Open Controller**
Open Pedal
Open Quarter
Open Half
Open Three-Quarters
Open Loose
Open Full
Tom 1Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 2Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 3Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 4Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Drum Articulations Session Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 33
DrumArticulationHigh CrashEdge
Choke ***
Low CrashEdge
Choke ***
Choke ***
Choke ***
Choke ***
Stick HitHitCowbellOpen
Muted Drum Articulations Session Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 34
5.2Stadium Kit
DrumArticulationKick DrumDampened
Snare Drum 1 & 2Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Left Hand
Center Right Hand
Halfway Right/Left Alternating *
Halfway Left Hand
Halfway Right Hand
Wires Off
Rim Only
Hi-hatClosed Tight Tip Right/Left Alternating *
Closed Tight Tip Right Hand
Closed Tight Tip Left Hand
Closed Tip Right/Left Alternating*
Closed Tip Right Hand
Closed Tip Left Hand
Closed Shank Right/Left Alternating *
Closed Shank Right Hand
Closed Shank Left Hand
Closed Pedal
Open Controller**
Open Pedal
Open Quarter
Open Half
Open Three-Quarters
Open Loose
Open Full
Drum Articulations Stadium Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 35
DrumArticulationTom 1Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 2Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 3Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 4Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
High CrashEdge
Choke ***
Low CrashEdge
Choke ***
Choke ***
Choke ***
Drum Articulations Stadium Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 36
Choke ***
Stick HitHitHigh WoodblockHitLow WoodblockHit5.3Garage Kit
DrumArticulationKick DrumDampened
Snare Drum 1 & 2Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Left Hand
Center Right Hand
Halfway Right/Left Alternating *
Halfway Left Hand
Halfway Right Hand
Wires Off
Rim Only
Drum Articulations Garage Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 37
Hi-hatClosed Tight Tip Right/Left Alternating *
Closed Tight Tip Right Hand
Closed Tight Tip Left Hand
Closed Tip Right/Left Alternating*
Closed Tip Right Hand
Closed Tip Left Hand
Closed Shank Right/Left Alternating *
Closed Shank Right Hand
Closed Shank Left Hand
Closed Pedal
Open Controller**
Open Pedal
Open Quarter
Open Half
Open Three-Quarters
Open Loose
Open Full
Tom 1Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 2Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
Tom 3Center Right/Left Alternating *
Center Right Hand
Center Left Hand
Rim Only
High CrashEdge
Choke ***
Drum Articulations Garage Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 38
Low CrashEdge
Choke ***
Choke ***
Choke ***
Choke ***
Stick HitHitHigh CowbellOpen
Low CowbellOpen
* There is a separate note assignment that alternates between the left and right hand samples of the center and halfway snare, center tom, and closed hi-hat articulations when playing faster than a certain speed. This adds a realistic sound to faster playing, as a
drummer would also switch to using both hands at fast speeds.
** There is a separate note assignment for the open hi-hat that controls the amount of hi- hat openness depending on the position of the Modwheel controller (CC1) or a hi-hat foot
controller (CC4). At the 0 position of the controller, the open hi-hat control key plays the fully open hi-hat. As the controller sends higher values, playing the open Hi-hat control key will trigger Hi-hat samples that gradually become more closed.
Drum Articulations Garage Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 39
*** Cymbal choke samples are triggered by specific note assignments which play release
samples. When playing a cymbal sound, triggering the choke sample will play the sound of a choked cymbal which relates to the current volume of the played cymbal. If no cymbal
sound is currently active, then the cymbal choke notes will do nothing. Choke samples can
also be triggered with electronic drum pads which support the choking feature. Drum Articulations Garage Kit
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 40
Product Concept : Paul Maurer
Product Design : Dinos Vallianatos, Frank Elting
Sound Design : Paul Maurer, Julian Laping, Adam Hanley, Dinos Vallianatos, Ema Jolly, Fa
bian Kalker, Justin Myracks
Graphic Design : Max Mondon, Efflam le Bivic, Gösta Wellmer
KONTAKT Scripting : Dinos Vallianatos, Adam Hanley, Nicki Marinic
Project Management : Gerald Zollner
Teldex Engineer : Tobias Lehmann
Teldex Assistant Engineer : Tom Rußbüldt
Drummer : Simon Baumann
Drum Sound Specialist : Udo Masshoff
Photography : Frauke Fischer
MIDI Grooves : Julian Laping, Simon Baumann, Ludger Kleff, John Emrich, Marios Ioannou,
Lizzy Scharnofske
All Drums Provided by :
TBS Backline: http://www.tbs-backline.de/
Udo Masshoff: http://www.masshoffdrums.com/
STUDIO DRUMMER - Manual - 41
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)