Переводчик английского языка
Elena Belousova
Date of bir th: 29 March 1977
Family status : married , have one child
Address : Moscow, Russia
Telephone : +7.977.5230501
Whatsapp : +1.849.8636372
Email: elena.chenoll@gmail.com
Expe rie nc e
August 2017 -
Conquista Park SRL
Dominican Republic
Abou t th e co mpan y : The biggest in the Am eri cas histo rical p ark ( m useum ) d ed icated to the native
Am erind ians of the C aribbean, d isco very and the co nq uest of the N ew Wo rld .
P osition : Gen eral Manag er
Duties and responsibilities:
Daily management of the museum and the gift shop, development of the client base, searching for new
clients , maintaining contacts with the tour operators and major clients, daily correspondence , negotiations,
purchasing of goods for the gift shop, preparation of invoices, financial reports to the owners , payments to
the suppliers , quality control etc.
April 2014 – August
Blue Travel Partners
Dominican Republic
Abou t th e compan y : one of the b iggest recep tive to ur op erator s in the Dom inican R ep ub lic,
wo rking with m ajo r to ur op erat ors in Russia, E urop e, U nited States (amo ng the clients – TU I
France, TU I B elgium , P romo sejo ur, Exp ed ia, Co ral Travel/Sunm ar, CV C etc. )
P osition : Rep resen ta tive
Duties and responsibilities:
Sale of excursions, information briefings (providing a ll the necessary information to the tourists) , any
assistance to the clients
No vember 20 13 –
April 2014
Ocean Adventures Punta Cana
(company specializing in aquatic excursions )
Dominican Republic
Elena Belousova
Abou t th e compan y : Co mp any sp ecializing in aq uatic ex cursio ns in P unta C ana – Bavaro area
(D r. Fish O cean Sp a, B avaro Sp lash, C aribb ean Buccaneers , C aribb ean Festival, Sailing
Ad venture)
P osition : Comm ercia l rep resenta tive
Duties and responsibilities:
Presentation of the company’s products at welcoming briefings, public relations ( contacts with TO
representatives and assistance to the them )
Au gust 2010 –
November 2013
Project “Piratus”
(development and construction of a motorized
semi -submersible dolphin boat)
Dominican Republic
Abou t th e p ro ject : Co nceptio n and d evelopm ent of a techno lo gic inno vatio n – “P iratus” Do lp hin
Bo at. The do lp hin bo a t is a mo to rized watercraft for two p assengers that can do the sam e
mo vem ents as an actual do lp hin). The pro ject has several stages of d evelopm ent starting f rom
creatio n of the initial id ea, includ ing constructio n and f inalizatio n of the f irst pro totyp e up to
o rganizatio n of the f irst series p rod uction, m arketing and co mm ercializatio n of the p rod uct and
its explo itatio n in to urism area.
P osition : Ex ecutive Assistan t
Duties and responsibilities :
Assistance to the head of the project, search of informatio n on the Internet , correspondence , translation
(written, oral) of correspondence and telephone conferences with engineers , lawyers etc., translation of the
web -site , translation of the patent, contacting the state authorities and preparation of the present ations and
documents for such authorities (ONAPI, Ministry of Tourism), preparation of presentations of the project to
potential distributors .
February 2008 –
August 2010
Sosua Ocean Village Private Residential
Community (company Las Rocas S.A./Impar
Sosua, Dominican Republic
Abou t th e Project : So sua O cean Village is a p rivate resid ential co mm unity with a sp ecial
recreatio n area (C lub Ho use) situated on the No rthern Co ast of the Do m inican R ep ub lic . The
resid ential part of the p roject includ es co ndo s and land lo ts d esignated fo r further co nstruction of
single villas . The recreatio n area o r the Club Ho use is comp rised of fine d ining restaurant, GYM,
two sep arate b ars , swim ming poo l, Aq ua P ark and p laygro und area fo r kid s, children’s d ance
acad em y and three large gazebo s with a swimm ing poo l for sp ecial events. Thus the pro ject
invo lves several b usinesses (restaurant, clu b ho use, gym, real estate sales, rentals and p roperty
m anagem ent , as well as co nstructio n ).
Elena Belousova
Po sitio n: C hief Financial Officer
Achi evements: organized monthly budgeting and reporting system; initiated Customer’s Service; initiated
inventory system and logistics management service .
Duties and responsibilities:
As a CF O managed the Finance and Accountability Department, prepared month ly budget and financial
reports, as well as general annual financial reports for the owner of the project , supervised the work of
company’s financial accounting d atabase operators and monthly report ed to the overseas Head Office,
operated banking accounts of the companies , supervised collection of payments from clients and provided
timely paymen ts to suppliers, checked c ompanie s’ contracts with clients and contractors as to payment terms,
penalty terms etc. , maintained contacts with banks and independent au ditors , prepared regular payroll ,
supervised expenses of companies’ departments , searched for the information as to bank loans and appliance
of tax exemption l aw s, pr epared invoices for the clients ;
As a Member of the Administration Council participat ed in general management of the company and
elaboration of the Proje ct’s strategies concerning day -to-day operation and future plans, participated in
recruiting personnel, brain storm s, negotiations with suppliers, contractors and clients.
December 2007 –
February 2008
Sosua Ocean Village Private Residential
Community (company Las Rocas S.A./Impar
Sosua, Dominican Republic
P osition : Adm in istra to r
Was in charge of property management and rentals , o rganized and supervised work of operating personnel
(gardeners, housecleaners, security, etc.) , prepared apartments for renting, clients’ visits , supervised expenses
of the department, prepared reports as to expenses of the department, invoiced clients and collected payments
of maintenance and rental fees ;
As a Member of the Administration Council participated in general management of the company and
elaboration of the Project’s strategies concerning day -to-day operation and future plans, participated in
recruiting personnel, brainstorms, negotiations with suppliers, contractors and clients.
February 2006 –
December 2007
Sosua Ocean Village Private Residential
Community (company Las Rocas S.A./Impar
Sosua, Dominican Republic
P osition : H ead of Sa les Off ice
Managed the Sales Department, participated in elabor ation of the marketing campaign and business plan,
prepared market ing research reports, contacted real estate brokers, negotiated and prepared contract s with
brokers as well as with buyers, participated in elaboration of advertising aids , partici pated in expos,
performed presentation of the project to potential clients and sellers , prepared advertising budget.
As a Member of the Administration Council participated in general management of the company and
elaboration of the Project’s strategies con cerning day -to-day operation and future plans, participated in
recruiting personnel, brainstorms, negotiations with suppliers, contractors and clients.
Elena Belousova
May 2004 – February
200 6
Extreme Trophy S.A. Cabarete, Dominican
Abou t th e co mpan y : jeep safari to ur o n 4x4 vehicles
P osition : Ex ecutive A ssistan t
Prepared tours, bought all necessary provision , arranged pick -up of clients in the morning and their
transportation back to hotels in the evening , prepared vehicles for tours ;
Participated in TO’s welcome briefings at hotels to sell the tour, took reservations from TO representatives ,
searched for new sellers, prepared advertising aids , prepared invoices for TO’s and collected payments, paid
to suppliers , calculated tour costs.
Moscow, Russian Fed eration
September 2003 – May 2004
Translator/Interpreter English and French languages
Duties : translation and interpreting of contracts, negotiations , reception of representatives of foreign partners.
May 2002 – July 2003
TPP VKT, LLC ("Video, Cinema, Television" C reative Production Enterprise)
Assistant to Director of Foreign Relations Department;
Duties: translation of correspondence, legal and other documents, administrative work, interpreting during
conference calls etc.
Decem ber 2000 – May 2002
Translator of English, French, Italian ( part -time )
Duties: translation of legal documents, interpreting
May 2001 – May 2002
LINGUIST Cen tre for Translation
Translator/interpreter (freelancer)
Duties: translati on of documents (agreements, memoranda of association), interpreting during investigation
proceedings etc.
December 2000 – April 2001
"Food Security in Russia" project of the Food and Agriculture Org anisation of the United Nations
Translator (freelancer)
Duties: translation of reports, correspondence etc.
February 2000 – 05 December 2000
Centre for Legal Translation
Translator of English, French, Italian
Duties: translation of legal documents (diplomas, letters, powers of attorney, contracts, articles of association,
court awards etc.)
01 September 1997 – 03 August 1999
Secondary School No. 7 , Odintosovo, Moscow Region
Teache r of English
Elena Belousova
September 1996 – September 1997
Centre of Children's Diplomacy
Translator (part -time)
Duties: translation of book lets, application forms, faxes, letters etc.
Educ ati on
1994 -1999 Moscow State Open Teachers Training University
Department of Foreign Languages
Moscow, Russian
T e a ch e r o f En g lish a nd Fre nc h
Addi ti onal Infor mati on
Languages: E nglish (f lue nt) , French (fluent) , Sp anish ( fluent ), R ussian (native) , Italian
(b eginner )
Computer (user): Windows, MS Office (Word, Excel), Internet, e -mail
Typing skills: Latin (English/French) keyboard – 200 st/min , Cyrillic keyboard – 200 st/min
P ersona l cha ra cter istics: respo nsib le, client o riented, f lex ible, q uick learner, strong
interp erso nal skills
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)