Приёмщик товара / Кладовщик
67 лет (13 Августа 1957)
Address: Kondratyuka str. 8, Moscow,
Nationality: Russian
Membership in Professional Societies:
Detailed Tasks Assigned:
Key Qualifications:
Collection and statistical processing of data. Health and demographic statistics. Epidemiologic surveys. Statistical modeling health and population indicators. Monitoring and a rating of research projects in the field of public health services (a technique and realization, information systems).
Institution Second Moscow Medical Institute, Department of Medical and Biological
Date: from - to (month/year) 09/1974-06/1980
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained M.Sc. in Biophysic, qulification-Medical Cybernetic
Institution Research Public Health Institute "MedSocEconomInform“
Date: from - to (month/year) 01/1994-12/1995
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Ph.D. in Social Hygiene and Organization of Health Care
Institution Academy of National Economy by Government of Russian Federation
Date: from - to (month/year) 08/1996-10/1996
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Course of environmental epidemiology, Diploma
Language Skills (5 = very good):
Language Speaking Reading Writing
Russian mother tongue
English good excellent good
Employment Record:
Date: from - to (month/year) 01/1994-to present
Location Moscow, Russia
Company Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Informatics of the
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Position Leading Researcher, Unit of analysis of health statistics
Description Analysis of avoidable death data in Russia, developing and supporting Data
Presentation System for health indicators of the Russian Federation
Date: from - to (month/year) 12/1992-12/1993
Location Hanoi, Vietnam
Company Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Scientific and Technological Center
Position Senior Researcher
Description Analysis of environment epidemiology data.
Date: from - to (month/year) 05/1987-12/1992
Location Moscow, Russia
Company NPO "SojuzMedInform", Ministry of Health of Russia
Position Senior Researcher
Description Developing automated informational system for research projects in field of
Date: from - to (month/year) 09/1980-05/1987
Location Moscow, Russia
Company All-Union Oncological Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences
Position Researcher
Description Development automated information system for expert evaluation of research projects
in field of medicine
International Experience:
2003 – 2006 expert in the DFID project Knowledge For Action on HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation, component Analysis of policy and support of advocacy in HIV/AIDS;
2002-2003, National expert of project TACIS EU «Improvement of public health in the North-West of Russia: the North-West replication project»;
1995-2001, Consultant, EURO WHO, Unit of Health Information (HIN-IDB);
1996-1998, National expert for the “Russian Federation Health Reform Pilot Project” by the World Bank;
1996-1997, National expert for component “Environmental epidemiology” of the World Bank project “Protection of Environment in the Russian Federation”.
Selected scientific publications (all list more than 40 publications)
1. Antonyuk V.V., Guev A.A., Schulman G.I. Relationship between mortality rate from diseases of circulatory system and an indices of a quality of a public health care.// All-Union Conf. "System analysis in a public health care", Abstract book, Novokuznetsk, 1980, p.211-212 (rus.)
2. Antonyuk V.V., Ermakov S.P., Petrovsky A.B., Pogodaev G.V. Guide on formation and realization of the programs of scientific researches in the field of a medicine .// Ministry of Public Health of USSR, Academy of MedicalSciences of USSR, Moscow, 1982, 54 pp. (rus.)
3. Agievsky A.D., Antonyuk V.V., Rauschenbach G.V. Automated system of processing of the expert information for the forecasting and decision-making in planning medical scientific researches // All-Union Seminar " the Theory, Methodology and Practice of System Researches", Abstract book, Moscow, 1984,p.89-91 (rus.)
4. Antonyuk V.V. Experience of use DBMS "Paradox" for development of a information retrieval system of planning researches and their results in thefield of a medicine // In The bulletin Of All-Union Society of a Computer Science and Computer Facilities, Moscow, 1991, p.64-66 (rus.,resume eng.)
5. Roumak V.S., Poznyakov S.P., Antonyuk V.V., Tran Xuan Thu, Kountzevitch A.D. Significant associations between questionnaire-derived measures of past exposure to Agent Orange and health outcomes in subpopulation of rural South Vietnamese. //"DIOXIN' 93", Austria, 1993, v.13. p. 407-410.
6. Poznyakov S.P., Antonyuk V.V., Nquyen Quok An, Tran Xuan Thu, Roumak V.S. Verification of a Questionnaire-Based Approach to Investigation of Long Term Health Consequences of Agent Orange among Rural Vietnamese. //The 2nd Int. Symp. "Herbicides in War: the long term effects on man and nature",Hanoi,Vietnam, 1993, Abstract book, p. 163-166.
7. Antonyuk V.V., Poznyakov S.P., Ermakov S.P. Possibility of Medico-Demographic Approach Application for the Agent Orange-Induced Health Deterioration and Related Potential Economic Damage Assessment in Vietnam.// The 2nd Int. Symp. "Herbicides in War: the long term effects on man and nature", Hanoi,Vietnam, 1993, Abstract book, p. 155-158.
8. Poznyakov S.P., Antonyuk V.V., N. Q. An, T. X. Thu, Kountchevitch A.D., Sofronov G.A., Roumak V.S. The long-term health consequences of Agent Orange in Vietnam: Evidences of the Reality and Medical Significance. // "DIOXIN'94", Tokyo, 1994, v.21. p. 175-179.
9. Poznyakov S.P., Antonyuk V.V., N.Q. An, Sofronov G.A., Roumak V.S.Consistent deterioration of general health status in South and North Vietnamese exposed to Agent Orange The 15-th Int. Symp. Organohalogen compaunds (“Dioxin’95”), Edmonton, Canada, 1995, Vol.25, p.161-166
10. Antonyuk V.V. Evaluation of a health status of the population in view of influence of the adverse environmental factors. PhD Thesis, Moscow, 1995 (rus.)
11. Komarov Yu.M., Antonyuk V.V., Ermakov S.P., Ivanova А.Е., Semenova V.G. Substantiation and development of structure of national strategy «Health for all citizens of Russia». // Мoscow.: -1996. 87 p. (rus.)
12. Antonyuk, V.V.; Poznyakov, S.P. Phenomenological models of exposure and effects in epidemiology of the long-term health consequences of Agent Orange in Vietnam. The 17-th Int. Symp. Organohalogen Compounds (“Dioxin’97”), Indianapolis, USA,1997, v.34, p.43-47
13. Poznyakov S. P., Antonyuk V.V, Roumak V. S., Sofronov G.A. Methodological Considerations in Evaluating the Long-Term Health Consequences of Agent Orange in Vietnam, The 18-th Int. Symp. Organohalogen Compounds (“Dioxin’98”), Stockholm, Sweden, 1998
14. Antonyuk V.V., Ermakov S.P., Evdokushkina G.N., Gavrilova N.S. Factographic Automated Information Reference System (FAISS-"Potential), Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Automating Mortality Statistics. USA, Washington, DC– 1999
15. Antonyuk V.V., Sabgaida T.P. Relationship between cases of HIV and malaria delivered to Russia. Proceedings of conference ”Medico-biological sciences for theoretical and clinical medicine”, Moscow, 2003
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)