Няня-гувернантка/Гувернер (Native Speaker)
A n n a R y b n ik o v a
M obile: +7(915)288-89-72
E-M ail: rybnikovanna@ gm ail.com
Address: M oscow , R ussia
Skilled private tutorspecialising in English and G erm an courses forstudents from young children
to adult professionals. Providing engaging and individualized support in English and G erm an
language developm ent:reading,w riting and speaking skills,incorporating aspects ofculture and
history into each lesson and using efficiently m ethods of teaching w hile focusing on the
individual needs of students.Preparing and perform ing activities and exercises focused on
C am bridge English exam preparations, pronunciation, vocabulary, speaking fluidity, and
academ ic English.
C om m itted to updating professionalknow ledge as appropriate to keep up to date w ith
developm ents in the curriculum area of English and G erm an.
Professional Experience
Self-Em ployed (M oscow , R ussia)
Private English and G erm an Tutor 2003 - Present
- W orking w ith over 80 dedicated students in a variety of different environm ents;
- C reating lesson plans to benefit the needs of each individual student;
- C om m unicating closely w ith parents to follow up on each student’s w eekly progress;
- Encouraging learning w ith positive reinforcem ent;
- G uide students through study and test taking strategies;
- Prepare students for state exam s, C am bridge tests and entrance into British colleges;
- Testing students for com prehension of English and G erm an and identifying areas of
needed im provem ent;
- Elevating the language proficiency levels by over 90% ;
- Tutoring students in gram m ar, spelling, punctuation, paragraph w riting and essay w riting skills.
A lbion (M oscow , R ussia)
English Language Teacher 2017
- C onsulted on studying in British schools;
- Assisted and prepared students for the entry exam s to British colleges;
- Elevated and tested the level of English of the students;
- Prepared a student for a state exam .
The Young C aptains Private School (M oscow , R ussia)
English Language Teacher 2006 - 2007
- Planned and im plem ented lessons for prim ary and secondary school pupils;
- Participated in staff m eetings;
- C ollaborated w ith after school teachers from the U SA;
- Planned and designed activities to assist learning;
- D esigned classroom arrangem ent and children’s w ork shоwcase;
- D eveloped standards based assessm ent m easures in alignm ent w ith curriculum .
N ikulievskaya C om prehensive School (Penzenskaya district, R ussia)
G erm an Language Teacher 1999 - 2000
- D esigned and curated daily lesson plans;
- M odelled cooperative learning structures for active engagem ent;
- Attended Parent-teacher conferences;
- C ollaborated w ith other teachers to keep activities running on schedule;
- Introduced effective teaching strategies;
- O rganised after school activities and perform ances.
Education and Training
B K C -IH Teacher Training C entre (M oscow , R ussia) 2017
The International H ouse 1-2-1 M ethodology C ourse
B K C -IH Teacher Training C entre (M oscow , R ussia)
C am bridge English level 5 C ertificate in Teaching English to
Speakers of O ther Languages (C ELTA, Q C F)
B K C -IH Teacher Training C entre (M oscow , R ussia)
TKT M odule 1, 2, 3
ESO L Exam inations (M oscow , R ussia) 2012
FC E 2005
M oscow Pedagogical U niversity (M oscow , R ussia)
Specialty: Teacher of Pedagogy and Psychology
Education D epartm ent
B elinsky Prim ary School Teacher’s Training C ollege (B elinsk, R ussia)
Speciality: Prim ary school teacher, G erm an language teacher
R eferences A vailable U pon R equest
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)