Переводчик сербского / хорватского языка
Ana Štimac
Master of Philological sciences of the Russian language and literature
[pic] Date of birth: 08.03.1984
Maiden name: Belogrlic
Married: Stimac
E-mail: abelogrlic@gmail.com
Skype : anabell84.stimac
[pic] Education [pic] S K I L L S
( English - fluent
( 1992 Primary school "Oslobodioci Beograda" - completed first grade, Belgrade ( Russian – native level
( 2001 Finished the High school specialized for intensive study of English language "No.1255", Moscow; Certificates for more level of( Serbian (mother tonque)
knowledge / languages class majors ( Czech - passive
( 2007 Graduated at the University of Belgrade ( Croatian (Native or bilingual
Department of Slavic languages, a group of Russian language and literature, elective language is English, other Slavic language Czech proficiency)
( 2009 Earned Master's Degree (Spanish – elementary level
Programme: Linguistics rusistics
( Faculty of Philology in Belgrade
(2014 Phd Studies
MOSCOW STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY (Московский государственный лингвистический университет МГЛУ) -government Federal
Agency Rossotrudnichestvo scholarship COMPUTER SKILLS
( MS Office
( Photoshop
( Internet Applications
[pic] Work history [pic] ( Outlook
Mindjet mind manager
Learning and development leading specialist at Human Resources Department, translator Excel 2010
Velesstroy Llc Planning
11.10.2013-still working scheduling
coordinating resources
Job description: meeting Deadlines and time management
Learning and development leading specialist at Human Resources Department flexibility
E-learning adaptability
Electronic tests of Russian as a Foreign Language work effectively in a climate of
Computer-assisted language learning /distance learning programs ambiguity and changing priorities
Programs for education in Russian as a foreign language and faster adaptation of new expat employees to Russian market incorporate feedback effectively
Language coaching in company level A1, A2, B1, C, business Russian language, understand, negotiate and balance
Presentation in foreign languages master classes diverse views and beliefs to reach
master classes in business correspondence workable solutions, particularly in
implementation of processes and projects of Adaptation of expat employees in company multi-cultural environments
HR projects- team work cooperative, dependable
Human Resources survey questionnaire negotiation skills, observation skills
HR practices organizational climate and employee satisfaction resourcefulness,
Creating brochures in Russian and Serbian /Croatian language ability to solve the problems,
Translation and adaptation of all HR projects from Croatian/ into Russian language and vice versa, Croatian/Serbian
Exit interviews Questionnaire
Telephone Interviews „DIRECT CHAIN“ with expats on Velesstroy construction sites in Russia
Adaptation of new expat and employees
Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, Moscow
08.04.2011 – 09.09.2013
Job description:
( Translation of the working meeting of the Minister of Agriculture RF NikolaI Fjodorov with Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and CERTIFICATES / QUALIFICATIONS:
Water –Agriculture Goran Knezevic in the Ministry of Agriculture RF,
( International Parliamentary Forum in Moscow, translating business meetings of the President of Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Foreign language school "English First"
Nebojsa Stefanovic, Russian Duma Deputy Sergej Nariskin and President of the Lower House of Parliament RF Aleksey Pushkov, Certificate of Advanced English
( Translation of the working meeting of the Minister Dinkic with Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Gorkov Sberbank and Sberbank Serbian Attended seminar in Spain, Madrid
President Valeriy Ovsjanikov , Language A1 2009 – diploma
( Organizing cultural and educational programs and manifestation: Time-management certificate (outlook)
- Days of Serbian Culture in Russia, in Moscow at the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia monograph World Heritage of Serbia at
the opening of the photo exhibition of Serbian churches and monasteries which is under the protection of UNESCO,
( Translation of the meeting bridge building construction Branka Knezevic and Vladimir Vlasov, "MOSTOTREST", Moscow
( Working visit of executive office for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the region Slavka Draskovic in Rossotrudnicestvo
RF ;Translation of meetings of President of the National Assembly of Serbia in State Duma RF
( The diplomatic correspondence, all forms of written translation, literary translation of texts from the following areas: law,
economics, education, tourism, banking, insurance, finance, trade
( Writing a review
Lecturer for the Serbian language
Moscow State University "Lomonosov" in the Slavic Department of Philology, Faculty of Philology (2009-2011)
Lecturer of the Serbian language
Moscow State University "Lomonosov", Faculty of Philology Foreign Languages and Regional Development 2010-2011
http://www.vesti-online.com/Stampano-izdanje/02-05-2010/Zapisi/49457/Siju-i-srpsku-nosnju/Job description:
( Explaining the material, preparing students for the exams, HOBBIES
( Organizing seminars,
( Preparation and control corrections or seminar and written assignments, conducting interviews with students as specified plan and ( Drawing
program. ( Traveling
(publication of articles in slavic journals
Lecturer of Serbian language degree program International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
IBDP College "Integration 21st century" 2009-2011
Object-Language A1 English
- Taught at the college
Job description:
( The Language A1 programme is primarily a pre-university course in literature. Lecture to students who intend to pursue literature,
or related studies, at university, as well as at students whose formal study of literature will not continue beyond this level. The
former would normally follow the Higher Level (HL) programme and the latter the Standard Level (SL).
( The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year educational programme primarily aimed at students aged 16–19
that provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education.
CAS teacher (Creative Action Service)
IBDP College "Integration 21st century"
Object-Language A1 English
- Taught at the college
Job description:
( Management CAS program, teaching students to complete components of CAS, to get a diploma in the International Baccalaureate (IB)
Diploma Programme.
( Encourage students to share their energy and talent to develop awareness and competence.
Translation and subtitling of Russian films in the various film festivals
Zagreb Film Festival, Motovun, 2008
Job description:
( Includes the ecranisation, a complete processing of the program, which includes a translation, adaptation and subtitling of
audiovisual programs.
Written translations of beletristic, technical translations in various fields 2002-2008
(Written translation from russian to serbian language with the group of translators « Роман с постскиптумом » Нина Васильевна Пушкова,
Karić fondacija, 2015
Guide and consecutive interpreter to the team of channel " Домашний ", Zlatibor, 2007
Concord language school-Belgrade summer school, 2007
( Beginners Course - Level 1
( Beginners Course - Level 2
( Individual courses
( Serbian as a foreign language
(organisation of excursions and workshops
AFS intercultural Programs –international, voluntary organization
Volunteer in the international student exchange organization AFS
American Field Service, Moscow 1999-2001
( Active participation in the cultural and social life
(Given contribution with own ideas in the work of the organization AFS
(Help members gain life skills such as decision making, problem solving, self-responsibility, communication, goal setting, healthy
lifestyle choices and career exploration skills in project work. (Encourage youth to learn and experiment with new ideas, techniques
and skills.
(Provide feedback to members, letting them know when they are doing a good job and advising them when they need to improve.
(Coordinate project activities (meetings, demonstrations).
[pic] CV – Ana Stimac [pic]
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)