HR Coordinator
Human Resource S pecialist
I am an enthusiastic, self -motiv ated, reliable, responsible and hard working person .
Karachi , Pakistan
C e l l N o . 0 3 4 7 -2 5 3 1 8 6 4
0 3 1 4 -2 3 0 1 1 9 8
Human Resource Executive
KIA Mo tors Socie ty
10/2023 - Present, Re sponsibilities Working knowledge. Pa yroll M anagem ent Em ployee Engagem ent HR Polic y Form ulation Hum an Resource Planning Talent Acquisition, Experience in coaching, m entoring, and team leadership Inter viewed potential hires, negotiated salaries and benefits and perform ed reference checks. Directed hiring and onboarding program s for new em ployees. M anaged em ployee relations issues effe cti vel y, resol ving conflicts pro fessionally and efficientl y. M anaged other HR staff and o ver saw com pletion of task s an d initiati ves. Coordinated work ac ti vities for HR m anagers, specialists and rec ruiting agents. Adm inistered em ployee benefits program s and assisted with open enrollm ent. Prepare and subm it all relevant HR le tters /docum ents/certifica tes/ a ttendance as requi red To appropriate departm ents. M aintain up -to-date em ployee lea ves records, is suing HR notifications, dealing with grie vances, im plem enting disciplinary procedures, Dism issal process , and m aintaining employee records Support the perform ance appraisal process b y scheduling reviews and ensuring Tim ely com pletion. Coordinate and schedule training sessions and work shops, and as sist in t racking em ployee Developm ent progress. Assist in adm inistering em ployee benefits progra m s, including health insurance, retirem ent plans, and leave enti tlem ents. M anaged the calculation and processing of em ployee gratuit y pa ym ents in accordance with com pany policies and sta tutor y regulations. Ensured accura te com putation based on tenure, last drawn salary, and applicable laws. Issued certi ficate.
Human Resource Executive
Atlas Honda C ompany ( ICO N Consultant)
04/2022 - 09/2023 , Responsibilities Recruiting new interm ediate -level staf f, handling the onboarding of new hires Ensuring em ployee data is correc t and up to date Running and coordinating payroll Running the annual perform ance review process Ensuring HR com pliance with all com pany policies and relevant legislation Pro ven track record of success in all HR disciplines Expert com puter lit erac y Conflict resolution and problem -solving ability Working knowledge. Pa yroll M anagem ent Em ployee Engagem ent HR Polic y Form ulation Hum an Resource Planning Talent Acquisition, Experience in coaching, m entoring, and team leadership O versee dail y operation s of the HR departm ent The candidate selected for this posi tion will be tasked with recruitm ent, vacanc y announcem ent, initial screening and shortlisting, inter view scheduling, issuing offer letter s and em ploym ent contrac ts, and record keeping. The candida te will also be responsible for recruiting s taff through recruitm ent drives ( From univer sities and other sources) Orientation of new sta ff regarding Organizational policies & procedures and operations. M aintaining and regularly updating the m aster database o f each em ployee. M ake sure that all personnel files are com plete. Prepare and subm it all relevant HR le tters /docum ents/certifica tes/ a ttendance as required to appropriate departm ents. M aintain up -to-date em ployee lea ves records, issuing HR notifica tions, dealing with grie vances, im plem enting disciplinary procedures, dism issal process , and m aintaining em ployee records Assist in adm inistering em ployee benefits program s, including health insurance, retirem ent plans, and leave enti tlem ents. M anaged the calculation and processing of em ployee gratuit y pa ym ents by com pany policies and statu tor y regulations. Ensured accurate com putation based on tenure, last drawn salary, and applicable laws. Issued certi ficate.
Associate Functional Consultant -Human
Capital Management
10/2021 - 03/2022, Respo nsibilities Ensuring em ployee data is correc t and up to date Running and coordinating payroll Expert com puter literac y , M aintain attendance report O versee dail y operations of the HR departm ent , offer letters em ploym ent contracts , and record keeping. M aintain attendance report
Active Punctuality Creativity
Commutative W ell Presented. Hard worker
Personal Information :
CNIC Number: 42201 -6400846 -7
Father's Name: Imtiaz Ahmed
Date of Birth: 04 -Sep -1992
Nationality: Pakistan
Marita l Status: Married
Religion: Is lam
Cricket Team Working Writing
Marketing Gaming Vlo gging
E mployee Relation
T eam Working Microsoft Office
Manage me Change Manage ment
HR Consulting
Organizationa l Development Decision Making
Strategic T hinking
ERP Project Manage ment
Associate Functional Consultant -Human
Capital Management
04/2019 - 09/2021 ,
Responsibilities Issue salar y cheque. Ensuring em ployee data is correc t and up to date Running and coordinating payroll Expert com puter literac y oversee dail y operations o f the HR departm ent The candidate selected for this posi tion will be tasked with recruitm ent, vacanc y announcem ent, initial screening and shortlisti ng, inter view scheduling, issue Work . Prepare and subm it all relevant HR le tters /docum ents/certifica tes/ a ttendance as required to appropriate departm ents. M aintain up -to-date em ployee lea ves records, issuing HR notifica tions, dealing with grie vances, im plem enting disciplinary procedures, dism issal process , and m aintaining em ployee records
Sindh Institute of Management and T echnology
Bachelor of Business Administration
Done - 2022
AEO Pakistan –IELTS
Done - 2017 (SCORE 5.5 BANDs)
Government Degree Science and Commerce
College, Malir
Intermediate in commerce
Done -2015
Little Genius Grammar S chool
Matric in Science
Done -2011
Quran Hafiz (Al hamduli llah)
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)