Химик-технолог ЛКМ
53 года (03 Июня 1971)
Curric u lu m
Vita e
Perso n al I n fo rm atio n
Full Name : Aloqaili Mohammed Shaher Rashed.
Tel : + 962780764341
skype: rabee712
E-mail : rabee@mail.ru
Nationality : Jordanian
City of residence : Jordan-Irbid
District of residence : Irbid
Date of Birth : June 3, 1971
Sex : Male
Marital status : single
Exp erie n ce
Rese a rch a n d d ev elo p m em t
Engin eer ( R @ D)in t h e p ain ts f a cto rie s
period work-From junuary 2015 to present
many companies in Russian
federation(ognetitan-www.ognetitan.ru) , (Sardi@ko-www.sardiko.ru) ,( UAB " ALPINUS
LT- www.alpinus.lt Latvia) , (Autokraski-www.auto-kraski.ru)
Functions :
-- T he i n tr o ductio n a nd de velo pm en t o f ne w for mula tions , and t he type s of
co atin gs;,( a ll t y pes o f pa int s: E mulsion( Acryl ic ), t ext ur ed c oating, P rot ective Sta in,
Alk yd E nam el, W ood V arni sh
(NC , Acrylic , Alkyd) , cold Betum for insolation , A nt i
-c o rro sio n
(Epoxy marine , polyurethane , Alkyde , wash primer , chlorinated rubber for
ships...etc) , W ate r p ro of , Z in c d ust p rim er, V in yl w ash pr im er, De cor ations , Putty
Fille r
(Acrylic , Epoxy , MS polymer , silicon) , T ra ffic p ain t ( line m ark ing pa in t) ,
Poly ure th an e, F lo or
, polyurethane , chlorinated rubber) , E poxy
coal tar , anti
foaling paint for ships , wet to wet ( fast drying epoxy primer) , Autom otiv e ( 2k Acryl ic
poly ol,
base coat silver,
CAB A cry lic m il a m in e, C AB A lk yd m ilam in e, B ase
co at(P ea rl) , F in is h an d r efin is h c oat a n d
automotive putty, All A utom otiv e
sis te m ),
sound insolation coating
, heat resistence up 800C ,
Nitr o- cell ul os e(
Enamel for
wood and steel , Laquer gloos for wood
, sealer for wood , putty) , X-line coating, Hum mer
fin is h ,
Alkyd Mila m ine
for automotive , S ilic o ne, C PV C,sound and the rm al i ns ulation
(a u to m otiv e ) , i n tu m esc e n t f ir e r e ta rda nt of ::
-c h lo rin ate d r u bber f ir e r eta rd ant c oa ting
-p oly ure th an e f ir e r e ta rda nt .
-E poxy f ir e r e ta rd ant .
-p oly ure a f ir e r e ta rda nt c oati n g.
-p oly ure a p oly ure th ane f ir e r eta rd ant c oa ting.
-A cry lic ( w ate r a n d s olve nt bo rne ) fir e r eta rda nt coa tings and pa int .
-fir e r e ta rd an t c o atin g f or c ab le .
-s ilic o ne r u bber f ir e r e ta rda nt c oatin g.
-s ilic o ne f ir e r e ta rda nt c oati n g.
- s ilic o ne f o am f ir e r e ta rda nt f or c ab le . .a nd m any ot hers .
-- T he i n tr o ductio n of f or eign e qu ipm ent in a new pr oduc tion of paint
-- Q uality c o ntr o l und er t he i nte rn ati o na l s ta nda rd ( IS O -9001- 2000).
-s y nth esis o f p oly m er
s a nd a dd itiv es f or p aint s
, varni she s
and addhesives (Alkyd
resin,polyester resin,thermal polyurethane addhesive resin, MS polymer and others)
2 . Position: research and development
Engineer, Director of paint factory .
Period work: - From july2000 to Dec 201 4
The company: OOO "PROFEMAL", Moscow ( www.profemal.ru )
Functions :
-- -- Full organization paint production:
-- Ensuring the production of technological preparation and safe conduct of
technological processes at the plant.
- The introduction of technology developed modes of production processes
and products. -- The introduction and development of new formulations,
and the types of coatings; , (all
types of paints: Emulsion(Acrylic), textured coating, Protective Stain, Alkyd
Enamel, Wood Varnish, Anti -corrosion, Water proof, Zinc dust primer, Vinyl
wash primer, Decorations, Putty Filler, Traffic paint (line marking
paint),sealant(Acrylic , silicone , polyurethane modified silicon) ,
Polyurethane ( primer , enamel , flooring), Floor & Deck,
Epoxy(primer , enamel , marine , putty , flooring),Automotive ( 2k Acrylic polyol,
CAB Acrylic milamine, CAB Alkyd milamine, Base coat(pearl), Finish and
refinish coat ,fast drying coat, All Automotive sistem),
Nitro-cellulose,Hammer, Milamine, Silicone, CPVC, And many many others of industrial
paints …).
-- protective and auxiliary products for the building industry (concrete
plasticizer, plasticizer & water proofing(for sealing and walls),
superplasticiser, setting retarder,dry mixes…etc.
-- The introduction of foreign equipment in a new
production of paint. -- Quality control under the
international standard (ISO-9001-2000).
Oth er s k ills :
- Oversaw a team of 50 people in the creation of the product. - Grew revenues from $5 to
$25 Million in one year's time.
- Developed strategic alliances with other web portals.
- Increased paint sales within the by 50% during my tenure.
- Assisted with launching a new product line of "industial Paint "
- Decreased time for technology manufacturing paint by five - days per month.
Incorporated market research data into upcoming product designs.
-Negotiated material costs with vendors and determined inventory needs.
The reason for the change of work: The desire to work in a large company
and apply their knowledge more fully.
Educa tio n :
sc h ool
: t h e g en era l s e co ndary s c h ool c ertif ic ate ( jo rd an ) 1 989
2- university : Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (Baku) ,1995
Major : Chemical technology of organic substancts (
Chemical Engineer ).
3- Between 1995 and 2000, Major: Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences ( petr o ch em is tr y
Foreig n l a n gu ages a n d c o m pute r s k ills
English : good Arabic : Fluency Russian : Fluency
Computer skills : MS Office, MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet.
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)