Assistant Front Office Manager( Baltschug Kempinski Moscow )
Professor, Dr. Alexander George Kini Gender : Male – Born in Syria 6th of september 1944 to Greek father and Assyrian mother. – Finished 12 classes in French Catholic Seminary high-school in Lebanon. – Speak Arabic, French, English, Russian, German (not Academic) and Italian (not Academic). – Author of 12 monogtaphs and 167 articles and 21 translated books. – Nationality : Former Syrian — Now Russian National. – Married with Russian. QUALIFICATIONS : – BA in English Linguistics. – MA in Drama Direction – Certificate in Educational Psychology. – Ph.D in Visual Arts. – Sociology (Intensive course) - – Cultural Anthropology with Ethnic Studies. – ‘’Philosophy of Culture and Religion’’ (Treatise)
CAREER : – Syrian TV (Photographer) – -- National Cinema Company (Ass.Director) - -- Syrian Army (Psychologist for Propaganda) — -- Touring Theatre (Supervisor and Art Director) – -- Institute for Professional Requalification (Methodist and Trainer in teaching Humanities) – -- School 1152 (Teacher of English and French) — -- School 159 (Vice Principal for Education and teacher of Aesthetics) - -- Gymnasium 1124 (Vice-Principal for Innovations and teacher of Classics (Greek and Roman Culture and Arts) — n The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign ministry : - Teacher of Arabic, - Lecturer in ''World Religious and Cultural Heritage'' (Egypt, Mesopotamy, Greece, Rome, Persia, India, China..) - Director of Middle-Eastern Studies Center, - Lecturer in International Relations in the M-East - Teacher of English and Social Studies in Thailand. - Teacher of English in Ningbo (China). Other positions in other places : - (Redactor at 4 journals and Translator on Two Radio stations (Moscow and Tashkent)
- Moscow Normal university (Dotsent in Social Anthropology, including teaching Philosophy of Religion.) – - Institute for Cultural Anthropology (Senior fellow for Cultural Problems), - Deputy-Head of Dep-t of Ethnic Cultures -- Director of Centre for M. Eastern Ethnicities - Universuty of Culture and Art (Chair of Cultural Anthropology, Professor of Historyy of Art) — - College of Opera (English for Artists – History of European Arts (mainly France and Italy). - Teacher of Oriental Churches (Coptic, Ethiopia, Maronite, Assyrian, Syriac (in the Near-East and India..). - POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHES : 1- Struggle against Alienation in school education. 2- Mechanisms of Cultural Transformations in Islamic Caliphate. 3- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
(textbook for students of Humanitarian Disciplines) 4- Dynamics of Socio-Political Action in Muslim countries. 5- Essay in Philosophy of Culture and Religion (three thesesis): - ‘’Dialectics in Culture@’’ - ‘’ Dynamics of Cultural Development, - ‘’ Mechanisms of Social Action (Religion vs Politics). 6- Russia in World Politics/ 7- Foreign Policy of Arabic countries and Israel. 8- Wahhabism : History and Ideology. 9- Diplomacy and Regional Problems (Chief Redactor with two articles). 10-Woman in Islam. 11- Pages from Diplomatic History of the M.East in XXth century/ 12- Ethnos as Cultural Body (Big brochure with possible extension).
26 октября, 2016
36 лет (17 мая 1988)
26 октября, 2016
53 года (29 декабря 1969)
28 октября, 2016
53 года ( 5 июня 1971)