Личный помощник руководителя
90 000 руб
39 лет (20 Января 1985)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
8 лет 6 месяцев
Административный персонал
Travel arrangements and trip coordination including car rentals, tickets, hotels, transfers, arrangements of various visas without any third party assistance.
Calendar arrangements: meetings, appointments, conference calls, video conferences;
Preparing expenses reports;
Meeting arrangements;
Coordination of work of office drivers and secretaries;
Preparation of documents: drafting Protocols of Board, POAs, Memorandums, Term-Sheet, Orders, Confidentiality Agreement;
Participation in the auctions for the purchase of a diamonds, (ALROSA) preparation of contracts, required documentation;
Execution of temporary residence permit and residence of foreign citizens in Russia;
Full support of activities of a Self-employed (tax declaration, banking, etc.);
Private banking (personal finance management, management of personal expenses);
Translation of legal documents, contracts, etc.;
Organization of translation, notarization and legalization of documents and correspondence;
Interacting with various government agencies in the interest of the investor/shareholder.
National and international registration of trademarks, (Italy, Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia) cooperation with Russian and foreign (WIPO) patent offices;
Preparation and examination of international agreements (license, sub-license agreements, assignment of rights to the trademarks);
Legal support of access to new geographical markets (Europe). Analysis and review of foreign legislation.
Legal due diligence on operation companies of holding;
Drafting of internal regulatory documents (regulations, orders, etc.);
Monitoring of changes in the Russian legislation for operating countries;
Preparation of legal opinions;
Preparation of presentations and reports;
Legal changes reviews;
Preparation and examination of contracts
Translation of legal documents, contracts, etc.;
Management the portal of Legal Department.
Москва, 2002 — 2007 гг.
Школа "БИГ БЭН"
Английский язык
26 октября, 2016
45 000 руб
31 июля, 2023
100 000 руб
Мария Львовна
Москва local_shipping
61 год (23 октября 1962)
Опыт работы:
27 лет и 9 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Сотрудник, ФСБ РФ
01.1990 - 10.2017
25 апреля, 2017
100 000 руб
Резюме размещено в отрасли