Procedure lawyer
Marina Vladimirovna
36 лет (22 Февраля 1988)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
14 лет 11 месяцев
Dispute resolution legal services.
Legal services in recovering insurance compensation in cases of road traffic accidents, collection activity (acquisition of rights (claims) based on insurance contracts).
Functions: drawing up legal documents (statements of claims, appeals, cassation appeals, request applications for information to insurance companies and State Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate bodies, applications for insurance compensation to insurance companies and the Russian Union of Autoinsurers, applications for bringing to administrative responsibility, applications for impugning actions/inaction of state bodies and officials), representing clients’ interests in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts.
Achievements: win of a case in arbitration court analogous to one lost by the company. Having appealed against the decision in the lost case, the decision being reversed on the appeal. After the successful case, acting as a sole lawyer drawing up appeals, cassation appeals.
2009 — продолжаю учиться
Английский — Базовые знания
Немецкий — Базовые знания
Knowledge and skills: Languages: Russian (native language) English (fluent in written, vocabulary shortage for oral speech ?) German (basic, read and translate with dictionary) PC-user (Consultant +, Garant, MS Word, electronic mail, Internet) Goal: procedure lawyer. Participation in civil, administrative, criminal proceeding from a broad range of legal relationships: civil, family, labour, housing, etc. (drawing up procedural documents, claim letters, representing interests). Additional information: Residence: Reutov, Moscow Region Marital status: never married, children: none
5 октября, 2011
70 000 руб
Александр Борисович
Москва local_shipping
68 лет (18 апреля 1956)
Опыт работы:
30 лет и 6 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
адвокат, Адвокатский кабинет
08.1998 - по текущее время
22 сентября, 2007
174 500 руб
Андрей Николаевич
49 лет (18 августа 1975)
Опыт работы:
Без опыта
29 октября, 2007
15 000 руб
ильяс Джафярович
Москва local_shipping
54 года (29 ноября 2024)
Опыт работы:
Без опыта
Резюме размещено в отрасли