Financial controller, Financial manager, Treasurer, Financial Analyst
Ruslan Viacheslavovich
42 года (07 Ноября 1982)
м. Преображенская площадь
Переезд невозможен
Полная занятость
11 лет 3 месяца
Бухгалтерия / Финансы / Аудит
* business plan of investment project creation, evaluation of economic efficiency, calculation and analysis of indicators of investment projects;
* preparing, actualization, control of implementation and analysis the factors of deviations, monitoring the expenditures of investment CAPEX budgets (construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects, purchase of machinery, vehicles and equipment);
* weekly/monthly/yearly CF reporting and forecasting for financial and investment activities,
*updаtеfinancial model and estimated project payback period;
*coordination of signing of investments contracts, management and control of contract transactions for investment activities according to established rules;
* active communication with bank, control of implementation covenant of the bank, usage for credit limits, control of contracts paymуnt terms, delivery conditions, deadline of construction works;
* creating and approval payments in "1C: УПП", work with "1C: Бухгалтерия";
* preparing analytical reports, letters of explanation, project implementation reports for bank, presentations by investment projects for internal and external users;
* participation in systematization of business processes (regulations, instructions, orders, maps of process).
Бухгалтерия / Финансы / Аудит
* preparation and regular monthly forecasting throughout the year, analysis of variances of financial budget for both legal entities: Indesit International CJSC and Indesit RUS LLC (Actual + Forecast monthly/quarterly), budgeting/forecasting CF by direct method;
*preparation of daily/weekly/monthly/yearly financial reports according corporate rule and analysis for internal/external users (auditors, top managers): FINDS (Financial Indebtedness Statement), CFS (Cash Flow Statement), FINCS (Financial Income Statement), DSO - group of reports by Local market incl. Ageing analysis (receivables by clients), Structure of advances, etc.; reporting for sales management, reporting for risk management (HC balance for risk hedging);
*participation in preparation budget of DSO for local and import markets; monitoring actual performance vs. BGT and FCT; analysis of payables and receivables;
*maintenance and updаtеHyperion financial database, creating vendors database in SAP, control of accounting transactions in SAP R/3;
*calculating, analysis, forecasting of financial indicators: receivables turnover (DSO), royalties calculation;
*reconciliation receivables and payables BS accounts between affiliated companies and communicating with colleagues from Italy, UK, Poland, Turkey (Intercompany group) in cooperation with IFRS team;
*daily unblocking shipments of: finish products, spare parts and accessories for customers (according to the «Credit control procedure») including shipment by factoring terms, credit control of current financial statement of the clients: analysis of business solvency of the clients, control of deadlines of receivables and overdue;
*communicating and cooperation with sales managers, with other departments (treasury department, accounting, legal department, IFRS team, IT etc.);
*preparation of presentation;
(from 2010 all functions in both legal entity – Indesit International CJSC and Indesit RUS LLC)
Бухгалтерия / Финансы / Аудит
* work with Bank-client systems for various banks - ABN. ING. HSBC etc; ;
* registration of passports of deals, payments for import & service contracts (in USD and in EUR), analysis and control of payables to suppliers,
*control of contracts terms of payments according to the exchange legislation of the Russian Federation;
* maintenance database in SAP R/3 for over 700 clients and more than 1000 suppliers. Inserting data in SAP R3.
Белгород, 2002 — 2005 гг.
Белгород, 1999 — 2004 гг.
Center for Business Skills Development
CBSD Thunderbird (Тренинг "Decision making & Problem Solving")
Французский — Технический
Английский — Разговорный
Права категорий:
12 лет
Марка авто:
Professional skills: * forecasting and budgeting; * accounting; * treasury; * financial and credit control; * analysis; *creating of many financial corporate reports and presentations; *organizational and analytical skills. Technical skills: * ERP SAP R/3 – more than 9 years experience; * Hyperion; * 1С:"Бухгалтерия", "1C:УПП"; * Microsoft Office: - Exсel – very strong capabilities, expert in work with large accounting databases (PIVOT-tables, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX etc.) - MS Visio (preparing business process map), - MS Project (work schedule analysis), - Power Point (preparing presentations) and others MS Office applications; * experienced user of electronic system “Bank-Client” for different banks: RBS, Deutsche bank, RBD, VTB, Alfa Bank, Saving Bank , HSBC, Bank Intesa etc.; *Google Apps (all applications).
6 декабря, 2014
200 000 руб
Москва local_shipping
52 года (20 декабря 1971)
Опыт работы:
30 лет и 10 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Заместитель генерального директора по экономике и финансам, ООО "Стройтрансгаз-М"
07.2013 - по текущее время
15 июля, 2009
65 000 руб
Анна Александровна
42 года (29 января 1982)
Опыт работы:
-11 месяца
Последнее место работы:
Бухгалтер, ООО "Филипс"
07.2005 - 01.2007
10 августа, 2017
Сергей Юрьевич
41 год (14 сентября 1983)
Опыт работы:
12 лет и 9 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Управляющий, ПАО «Росбанк»
03.2016 - 07.2017
Резюме размещено в отрасли